Class of 1975 - 50th Reunion
Let us know you are planning to participate in your reunion experience! Here are just a few of the ways you can participate:
- Attend Duke Law Reunion Weekend on campus April 4 - 6, 2025
- Serve on your class' reunion committee
- Donate to your class gift
- All of the above!
Find classmates, update your contact information, and share a class note.
The generosity from our alumni through giving is vital to the continued success of Duke Law School and the future of the legal profession.
Please contact Kelly Marcolini at 919-613-7214 or with any questions.
The following classmates have registered for Reunion Weekend and have given us permission to post their name on the planning to attend list.
Charles Bendig
Kelvin Berens
Gary Berman
Kinchen Bizzell
Terry Calderwood
Allyson Duncan
David Franklin
John Howell
Blake Johnstone
David Kerber
Craig Kinney
Chip Kohler
Douglas Lunsford
Wendy Lunsford
Rodney May
John Miller
Thomas Miller
Glenn Moran
John Murrin
Ashmead Pipkin
Michael Quillen
Thomas Richey
Dale Robbins
Steven Schwane
Richard Siemer
Samuel Stafford
Neal Tackabery
Norman Taplin
Bill Trull