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Duke Law offers four types of externships: Individual Externships, Advanced Individual Externships, Faculty-Mentored Externships, and Integrated Externships. Each kind of externship involves a field placement component and an academic component; externs must complete 50 hours of fieldwork per credit enrolled. 

To apply for an externship, all students must fill out the Qualtrics form on the Externships website by the last day of the registration period for the next semester.  Students interested in a Faculty Mentored Externship should read the handbook closely for different directions. Because of the varying schedules of placement organizations, the placement need not be confirmed at the time of the application, and students may list as many placements as they like, provided they meet the above deadline. 

Students can choose between a Monday or Wednesday seminar class from 4-6 p.m. in the Fall 2025 semester. 

Refer to the Externship Handbook for more detailed information.

Please see our FAQs.

Eleni Bakst '17

I had the opportunity to draft the statement for one of (the United Nations) Special Rapporteurs. Not only did this assignment offer me the chance to practice a new form of writing and research an area I find very interesting, but it will also be amazing to hear the words I wrote spoken before the (U.N) General Assembly in New York.

Eleni Bakst '17, who externed at the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights

A student participating in an externship must have completed or be currently enrolled in a course designated as satisfying the Ethics and Professionalism Requirement for graduation. This requirement may be waived, with permission, in order to enroll in an externship. A student who has earned 6 credits in externships and wishes to enroll in additional externship credits must obtain the prior approval of the faculty Curriculum Committee. A student participating in an externship may not earn a salary or receive other compensation for the work performed in the placement, except for reimbursement for travel and other work-related expenses required by the placement entity.

The following types of externships are available: Individual Externships, Advanced Individual Externships, Integrated Externships, and Faculty-Mentored Externships.

Interested in an externship?
student typing on laptop
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Sign up for externship office hours with Professor Anne Gordon, Director of Externships. Externships must be confirmed by the last day of drop/add, and first-time externs must attend the first day of the Externship Seminar. For-profit externships, and any placement requiring faculty approval, will not be considered after the first day of classes.