Mathew D. McCubbins, an interdisciplinary scholar whose work explores the intersections of law, business and political economy, joined the Duke Law faculty in 2013 and directed the Center for Law and Democracy at Duke. He held a joint appointment in Duke University’s Department of Political Science. He previously was the Provost Professor of Business, Law and Political Economy at the University of Southern California and Director of the USC-Cal Tech Center for the Study of Law and Politics at the Gould School of Law at USC.
McCubbins came to Duke after spending 2013-2014 as the W. Glenn Campbell and Rita Ricardo-Campbell National Fellow and the Robert Eckles Swain National Fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University.
An elected fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences as well as the American Association for the Advancement of Science, McCubbins also taught at the University of Texas, Stanford University, Washington University in St. Louis and the University of San Diego Law School. He was a Distinguished Professor and the Chancellor’s Associates Chair in the Department of Political Science at the University of California San Diego from 1987 to 2011. He was a fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences in 1994-95.
McCubbins held a Ph.D. from the California Institute of Technology. McCubbins was the co-author of six books: The Logic of Delegation (University of Chicago Press, 1991), winner of the APSA’s 1992 Gladys M. Kammerer Award; Legislative Leviathan (University of California Press, 1993), winner of the APSA’s Legislative Studies Section’s 1994 Richard F. Fenno Jr. Prize; The Democratic Dilemma: Can Citizens Learn What They Need to Know? (Cambridge University Press, 1998); Stealing the Initiative (Prentice-Hall 2000); Setting the Agenda: Responsible Party Government in the US House of Representatives (Cambridge University Press, 2005), winner of the APSA’s Leon Epstein Award; and Legislative Leviathan, Second Edition (Cambridge University Press, 2006). He was also editor or coeditor of eight additional books and authored or coauthored more than 100 scientific articles, book chapters, and encyclopedia entries, in political science, economics, computer science, cognitive science, and biology, with one winning the Congressional Quarterly Prize for best article on legislative politics and another winning the SPPQ Award for best article on state politics. He authored more than three dozen articles in law reviews or law journals. He published under the nom de plume of McNollgast with his coauthors Roger Noll and Barry Weingast.
Mat served as a co-editor of the Journal of Law, Economics & Organization for eight years (Oxford University Press). He served on the Board of the Society on Empirical Legal Studies for six years. He was a co-editor of the Journal of Legal Analysis (Oxford University Press) is a co-network director for the Political Science Network (PSN) within the Social Science Research Network ( Home page; Google Scholar page; Wikipedia page.
- Legislation and Statutory Interpretation
- Democracy and the Rule of Law
- Statutory Interpretation Colloquium
- Legislative Leviathan: Party Government in the House (Cambridge University Press, 2d ed. )
- Party, Process, and Political Change in Congress, Volume 2: Further New Perspectives on the History of Congress (Stanford University Press, ) (editor)
- Setting the Agenda: Responsible Party Government in the US House of Representatives (Cambridge University Press, ) (with Gary W. Cox)
- Party, Process and Political Change in Congress, Volume 1: New Perspectives on the History of Congress (Stanford University Press, ) (editor)
- Stealing the Initiative: How State Government Responds to Direct Democracy (Prentice-Hall, ) (with others)
- Elements of Reason: Cognition, Choice and the Bounds of Rationality (Cambridge University Press, ) (editor with Arthur Lupia)
- Presidents, Parliaments, and Policy (Cambridge University Press, ) (editor with Stephen Haggard)
- The Democratic Dilemma: Can Citizens Learn What They Need to Know? (Cambridge University Press, ) (with Arthur Lupia)
- The Origins of Liberty: Political and Economic Liberalism in the Modern World (Princeton University Press, ) (editor)
- Structure and Policy in Japan and the United States: An Institutional Approach (Cambridge University Press, ) (editor)
- Legislative Leviathan: Party Government in the House (University of California Press, ) (with Gary W. Cox)
- Under the Watchful Eye: Managing Presidential Campaigns in the Television Era (Congressional Quarterly Press, ) (editor)
- The Logic of Delegation: Congressional Parties and the Appropriations Process (University of Chicago Press, ) (with D. Roderick Kiewiet)
- Congress: Structure and Policy (Cambridge University Press, ) (editor)
Articles & Essays
- Building a New Rationality from the New Cognitive Neuroscience, in Routledge Handbook of Bounded Rationality 409-419 (Riccardo Viale, ed., ) (with others)
- Collective Action in the Wild, in The Extended Theory of Cognitive Creativity: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Performativity 89-102 (Antonino Pennisi and Alessandra Falzone, eds., ) (with Mark B. Turner)
- Coordination, Communication, and Information: How Network Structure and Knowledge Affect Group Behavior, 7 Journal of Experimental Political Science 1-12 () (with Nicholas Weller)
- Is Political Knowledge Unique?, 8 Political Science Research and Methods 188-195 () (with Craig M. Burnett)
- Democracy’s Continuing Dilemma: How to Build Credibility in Chaotic Times, 52 PS: Political Science & Politics 654-658 () (with Arthur Lupia)
- Fiscal Secession: An Analysis of Special Assessment Financing in California , Urban Affairs Review. Advance Online Publication 1-33 (2018) doi:10.1177/1078087418755317 (with Ellen C. Seljan)
- Constitutions of Exception: The Constitutional Foundations of the Interruption of Executive and Legislative Function, 174 Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics 77-98 () (with Jonathan N. Katz)
- Selves and Choices, 5 Reti, saperi, linguaggi: Italian Journal of Cognitive Sciences 47-58 () (with Mark B. Turner)
- Effect of Holding Office on the Behavior of Politicians, 113 PNAS 13690-13695 () (with others)
- Marriage on the Ballot: An Analysis of Same-Sex Marriage Referendums in North Carolina, Minnesota, and Washington During the 2012 Elections, 19 Chapman Law Review 1-34 () (with Craig M. Burnett)
- Against Game Theory, in Emerging Trends in the Social and Behavioral Sciences: An Interdisciplinary, Searchable, and Linkable Resource 1-16 (Robert A. Scott & Stephen M. Kosslyn, eds. , ) (with others)
- Are Individuals Fickle-Minded?, in Rethinking the Individual-Holism Debate 237-252 (Julie Zahle & Finn Collin eds., ) (with Mark Turner)
- Cheating on Their Taxes: When are Tax Limitations Effective at Limiting State Taxes, Expenditures, and Budgets?, 67 Tax Law Review 507-542 () (with Colin H. McCubbins)
- Common Agency? Legislatures and Bureaucracies, in Oxford Handbook of Legislative Studies 567-587 ()
- Knowledge and Networks: An Experimental Test of How Network Knowledge Affects Coordination, 36 Social Networks 122-133 () (with others)
- State and Local Government Finance: The New Fiscal Ice Age, 17 Annual Review of Political Science 105-122 () (with D. Roderick Kiewiet)
- Testing the Foundations of Quantal Response Equilibrium, in Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling and Prediction 144-153 (Ariel M. Greenberg et al. eds, ) (with others)
- Cheap, Easy or Connected: The Conditions for Creating Group Coordination, 86 Southern California Law Review 495-516 () (with others)
- Concepts of Law, 86 Southern California Law Review 517-570 () (with Mark Turner)
- Gaming Direct Democracy: How Voters' Views of Job Performance Interact with Elite Endorsements on Ballet Measures, 5 California Journal of Politics Policy 627-643 () (with Craig M. Burnett)
- Sex and the Ballot Box: Perception of Ballot Measures Regarding Same-Sex Marriage and Abortion in California, 34 Journal of Public Policy 3-33 () (with Craig M. Burnett)
- When Common Wisdom Is Neither Common Nor Wisdom: Exploring Voters' Limited Use of Endorsements On Three Ballot Measures, 97 Minnesota Law Review 1557 () (with Craig M. Burnett)
- Human Matching Behavior in Social Networks: An Algorithmic Perspective, 7 PLOS One () (doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0041900) (August 22, 2012) (with others)
- Administrative Procedures as Instruments of Political Control, in Principles and Practice of American Politics: Classic and Contemporary Readings 369-383 () (with others)
- Effects of Network Structure on Costly Coordination, in Association for Advancement of Artificial Intelligence Fall Symposium on Social Networks and Social Contagion () (with Nicholas Weller)
- Going Cognitive: Tools for Rebuilding the Social Sciences, in Grounding Social Sciences in Cognitive Sciences (Ron Sun ed., ) (with Mark Turner)
- The Challenge of Flexible Intelligence for Models of Human Behavior, 2012 3-12 () (Marshall School of Business, Working Paper No. FBE 03-12, 2012) (with others)
- The Mythology of Game Theory, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling & Prediction. Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Shanchieh Jay Yang eds., )
- The Theory of Minds Within the Theory of Games, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence () (with others)
- Agenda Power in the U.S. Congress in a Comparative Perspective, in Oxford Handbook of the American Congress (Eric Schickler & Frances Lee eds., ) (with Gary W. Cox)
- Does More Connectivity Help Groups to Solve Social Problems?, in Proceedings of the ACM Conference of Electronic Commerce () (with others)
- Pathways to Persuasion: How Neuroscience Can Inform the Study and Practice of Law, in Law and Neuroscience: Current Legal Issues, Volume (Michael Freeman ed., ) (with others)
- Statutory Interpretation: How Much Work Does Language Do? Deriving Interpretive Principles From a Theory of Communication and Lawmaking, 76 Brooklyn Law Review 979-996 () (with Daniel B. Rodriguez)
- Statutory Meanings: Deriving Interpretive Principles from a Theory of Communication and Lawmaking, 76 Brooklyn Law Review 979-996 ()
- Superstatutory Entrenchment: A Positive and Normative Interrogatory, 120 Yale Law Journal Online 387 () (with Daniel Rodriguez)
- Agenda Control in the Israeli Knesset During Ariel Sharon's Second Government, 16 Journal of Legislative Studies 251-267 () (with others)
- Changing Tracks? The Prospect for California Pension Reforms, 2 California Journal of Politics and Policy 1944-4370 () (DOI: 10.2202/1944-4370.1111) (with Vladimir Kogan)
- Low Memory Distributed Protocols for 2-Coloring, 6366 Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Stabilization, Safety and Security of Distributed Systems, 12th International Symposium 303-318 () (with others)
- Making Mountains of Debt Out of Molehills: The Pro-Cyclical Implications of Tax and Expenditure Limitaions, 63 National Tax Journal 603-621 () (with Elle Moule)
- Making Talk Cheap (and Problems Easy): How Legal and Political Institutions Can Facilitate Consensus, 7 Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 868-885 () (with others)
- Party Power or Preferences?: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from American State Legislatures, 72 Journal of Politics 1-13 () (with others)
- Proposition 13 and the California Fiscal Shell Game, 2 California Journal of Politics and Policy () (with Colin McCubbins)
- The Blind Leading the Blind: Who Gets Polling Information and Does It Improve Decisions?, 72 Journal of Politics 1-15 () (with Cheryl Boudreau)
- The Dilemma of Direct Democracy, 9 Election Law Journal: Rules, Politics, and Policy 305-324 () (with others)
- The Rule of Law Unplugged, 59 Emory Law Journal 1455-1494 () (with others)
- Competition in the Courtroom: When Does Expert Testimony Improve Juror's Decisions, 6 Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 793-817 () (with Cheryl Boudreau)
- Connected Coordination: Network Structure and Group Coordination, 37 American Politics Research 899-920 () (with others)
- Knowing When to Trust Others: An ERP Study of Decision-Making After Receiving Information From Unknown People, 4 Social, Coginitive, and Affective Neuroscience 23-34 () (with others)
- The Fiscal Shape of the American States: Trends and Issues in State Budgeting in the 21st Century, in Governing Arizona, The Communications Institute () (with Ellen Moule)
- The Problem of Being Special: Democratic Values and Special Assessments, 14 Public Works Management and Policy 4-36 () (with Vladamir Kogan)
- Administrative Law Agonistes, 108 Columbia Law Review Sidebar 15-22 () (under the nom de plume of McNollgast, with Roger G. Noll & Barry R. Weingast) (with others)
- Agenda Power in the Italian Chamber of Deputies, 1988-2000, 33 Legislative Studies Quarterly 171-198 () (with others)
- For Whom the TEL Tolls: Can State Tax and Expenditure Limits Effectively Reduce Spending?, 8 State Politics and Policy Quarterly 331-361 () (with others)
- Nothing But the Truth? Experiments on Adversarial Competition, Expert Testimony, and Decision Making, 5 Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 751-789 () (with Cheryl Boudreau)
- When Voters Make Laws: How Direct Democracy is Shaping American Cities, 13 Public Works Management and Policy 39-61 () (with Elizabeth Garrett)
- Afterword, in Party, Process and Political Change in Congress (David Brady & Mathew D. McCubbins eds., ) (with David Brody)
- American Political Geography, in Process, Party and Policy Making: Further New Perspective on the History of Congress (David Brady & Mathew McCubbins eds., ) (with David Brady)
- Revisiting the Links Between Governance and Biodiversity Loss, 21 Conservation Biology 900-901 () (with Christopher Barrett)
- The Dual Path Initiative Framework, 80 Southern California Law Review 299-346 () (with Elizabeth Garrett)
- The Political Economy of Law, in The Handbook of Law and Economics (A. Mitchell Polinsky & Steven Shavell eds., ) (under the nom de plume of McNollgast, with Roger Noll & Barry R. Weingast)
- What Statutes Mean: Lesson From Positive Theories of Communication and Legislation, 44 San Diego Law Review 957-992 () (with others)
- When Does the Ballot Box Limit the Budget? Politics and Spending Limits in California, Colorado, Utah and Washington, in Fiscal Challenges (Elizabeth Garrett eds., ) (with others)
- Agenda Control in the Bundestag, 1980-2002, 15 German Politics 27-48 () (with others)
- An Introduction to PPT and the Law, in The Handbook of Positive Political Economy (Barry Weingast & Donald Wittman eds, ) (with David Rodriguez)
- Conditions for Judicial Independence, 15 Journal of Contemporary Legal Issues 105-128 () (under the nom de plume of McNollgast, with Roger Noll & Barry R. Weingast)
- Courts, Congress and Public Policy, Part 1: The FDA, the Courts and the Regulation of Tobacco, 15 Journal of Contemporary Legal Issues 163-198 () (with Jeff Lax)
- Courts, Congress and Public Policy, Part II: The Impact of the Reappointment Revolution on Urban and Rural Interests, 15 Journal of Contemporary Legal Issues 199-218 () (with Jeff Lax)
- Statutory Interpretation and The Intentional(ist) Stance, 38 Loyola Law Review 2131-2146 () (with others)
- The Complex Links Between Governance and Biodiversity, 20 Conservation Biology 1358-1366 () (with others)
- The Logic of Delegation to International Agencies, in Delegation and Agency in International Organizations (Darren G. Hawkins eds., ) (with David Lake)
- The Motion to Recommit in the U.S. House of Representatives, in Party, Process and Political Change in Congress, Volume 1: New Perspectives on the History of Congress (David W. Brady & Mathew D. McCubbins eds., ) (with others)
- When Does Deliberating Improve Decision Making?, 15 Journal of Contemporary Legal Issues 9-50 () (with Daniel B. Rodriguez)
- Canonical Construction and Statutory Revisionism: The Strange Case of the Appropriations Canon, 14 Journal of Contemporary Legal Issues 669-715 () (with Daniel B. Rodriguez)
- Legislative Process and the Mirroring Principle, in The Handbook of the New Institutional Economics (Claude Menard & Mary Shirley eds., )
- Lost in Translation: Social Change Theory is Misapplied Against Legislative Intent, 14 Journal of Contemporary Legal Issues 585-617 () (with Arthur Lupia)
- Social Choice, Crypto-Initiatives and Policy Making by Direct Democracy, 78 Southern California Law Review 949-984 () (with Thad Kousser)
- What is New in the New Statutory Interpretation? Introduction to The Journal of Contemporary Legal Issues Symposium, 14 Journal of Contemporary Legal Issues 535-547 () (with Daniel B. Rodriguez)
- Theories of Legislative Organizations, American Political Science Association - Comparative Politics Newsletter () (Winter 2004) (with Gary Cox)
- When Does Government Limit the Impact of Voter Initiatives? The Politics of Implementation and Enforcement, 66 Journal of Politics 43-68 () (with others)
- A Précis on Legislative Leadership, Extensions: Carl Albert Congressional Research and Studies Center () (Fall 2003) (with Gary Cox)
- Agenda Power in Brazil's Câmara dos Deputados, 1989 to 1998, 55 World Politics 550-578 () (with others)
- Agenda Power in the US House of Representatives, 1877 to 1986, in Party, Process and Political Change in Congress, Volume 1: New Perspectives on the History of Congress (David W. Brady & Mathew D. McCubbins eds., ) (with Gary W. Cox)
- Agenda Power in the US Senate, 1877 to 1986, in Party, Process and Political Change in Congress, Volume 1: New Perspectives on the History of Congress (David W. Brady & Mathew D. McCubbins eds., ) (with others)
- A Response to Austen-Smith, 106 Public Choice 183-189 () (with Arthur Lupia)
- Agenda Power in the Japanese House of Representatives, 1 Japanese Journal of Political Science 1-21 () (with others)
- Beyond Rationality: Reason and the Study of Politics, in Elements of Reason: Cognition, Choice and the Bounds of Rationality (Arthur Lupia et. al. eds., ) (with others)
- Constructing a Theory of Reasoning, in Elements of Reason: Cognition, Choice and the Bounds of Rationality (Arthur Lupia et. al. eds., ) (with others)
- Gridlock and the Democratic Tradeoff Between Decisiveness and Resoluteness, in The (Barry Clarke & Joe Foweraker eds., )
- Legislative Process, in The Encyclopedia of Democratic Thought (Barry Clarke & Joe Foweraker eds., )
- Political Institutions and Economic Development: The Case of Electric Utility Regulation in Argentina and Chile, in Presidents, Parliaments, and Policy 229 (Stephen Haggard & Mathew McCubbins eds, ) (with William Heller)
- Political Institutions and the Determinants of Public Policy, in Presidents, Parliaments, and Policy 1 (Stephen Haggard & Mathew McCubbins eds, ) (with Stephen Haggard)
- The Institutional Determinants of Economic Policy Outcomes, in Presidents, Parliaments, and Policy (Stephen Haggard & Mathew McCubbins eds, ) (with Gary W. Cox)
- The Institutional Determinants of Public Policy, in Presidents, Parliaments, and Policy 21 (Stephen Haggard & Mathew McCubbins eds, ) (with Gary W. Cox)
- The Institutional Foundations of Political Competence, in Elements of Reason: Coginition, Choice and the Bounds of Rationality (Arthur Lupia et. al. eds., ) (with Arthur Lupia)
- Abdication or Delegation? Congress, the Bureaucracy, and the Delegation Dilemma, 22 Regulation 30-37 ()
- Representation or Abdication: How Citizens Use Institutions to Make Their Agents Accountable, 37 European Journal of Political Research 291-307 () (with Arthur Lupia)
- The Political Origins of the Administrative Procedure Act, 15 Journal of Law, Economics and Organizations 180-217 () (under the nom de plume of McNollgast, with Roger G. Noll & Barry R. Weingast)
- Afterword, in The Origins of Liberty: Political and Economic Liberalization in the Modern World (Paul Drake & Mathew McCubbins eds., )
- Legislative Control of Bureaucratic Policy Making, in New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics and the Law (Peter Newman ed., ) (under the nom de plume of McNollgast, with Roger G. Noll & Barry R. Weingast)
- Political Structure and Economic Liberalization: Conditions and Cases from the Developing World, in The Origins of Liberty: Political and Economic Liberalization in the Modern World (Paul Drake & Mathew McCubbins eds., ) (with others)
- The Origins of Liberty, in The Origins of Liberty: Political and Economic Liberalization in the Modern World (Paul Drake & Mathew McCubbins eds., ) (with Paul Drake)
- As a Matter of Factions: The Budgetary Implications of Shifting Factional Control in Japan's LDP, 22 Legislative Studies Quarterly 293-329 () (with Michael Thies)
- Towards a Theory of Legislative Rules Changes: A Response to Schickler and Rich, 41 American Journal of Political Science 1376-1386 () (with Gary W. Cox)
- Politics, Institutions, and Outcomes: Electricity Regulation in Argentina and Chile, 1 Journal of Policy Reform 357-387 () (with William Heller)
- Rationality and the Foundations of Positive Political Theory, 19 Rebaiasan (in Japanese, [Leviathan]) 7-32 () (in Japanese, [Leviathan]) 7-32 (1996)) (with Michael Thies)
- Conclusion, in Structure and Policy in Japan and the United States (Peter Cowhey & Mathew McCubbins eds., )
- Equilibrium Behavior and the Appearance of Power: Legislators, Bureaucrats and the Budget Process in the U.S. and Japan, in Structure and Policy in Japan and the United States (Peter Cowhey & Mathew McCubbins eds, ) (with Gregory Noble)
- Introduction, in Structure and Policy in Japan and the United States (Peter Cowhey & Mathew McCubbins eds., )
- Partisan Allocation of the Personal Vote in Japan and the United States, in Structure and Policy in Japan and the United States (Peter Cowhey & Mathew McCubbins eds., ) (with Frances M. Rosenbluth)
- Perceptions and Realities of Japanese Budgeting, in Structure and Policy in Japan and the United States (Peter Cowhey & Mathew McCubbins eds., ) (with Gregory Noble)
- Politics and the Courts: A Positive Theory of Judicial Doctrine and the Rule of Law, 68 Southern California Law Review 1631-1683 () (under the nom de plume of McNollgast, with Roger G. Noll & Barry R. Weingast)
- Putting the State Back into State Government: The Constitution and the Budget, in Constitutional Reform in California: Making State Government More Effective and Responsive (Bruce Cain & Roger Noll eds., )
- The Politics of Nuclear Power in Japan and the United States, in Structure and Policy in Japan and the United States 117 (Peter Cowhey & Mathew McCubbins eds., ) (with others)
- Bonding, Structure, and the Stability of Political Parties: Party Government in the House, 19 Legislative Studies Quarterly 215-231 () (with Gary W. Cox)
- Designing Bureaucratic Accountability, 57 Law and Contemporary Problems 91-126 () (with Arthur Lupia)
- Learning From Oversight:Fire Alarms and Polic Patrols Reconsidered, 10 Journal of Law, Economics and Organization 96-125 ()
- Legislative Intent: The Use of Positive Political Theory in Statutory Interpretation, 57 Law and Contemporary Problems 3-37 () (under the nom de plume of McNollgast, with Roger G. Noll & Barry R. Weingast)
- Party Coherence on Roll Call Votes in the U.S. House of Representatives, in Encyclopedia of the American Legislative System (Joel H. Silbey ed., ) (with Gary W. Cox)
- Who Controls? Information and the Structure of Legislative Decision Making, 19 Legislative Studies Quarterly 361-384 () (with Arthur Lupia)
- Conclusion, in Under the Watchful Eye: Presidential Campaigns in the Television Era (Mathew D. McCubbins ed., )
- Introduction, in Under the Watchful Eye: Presidential Campaigns in the Television Era (Mathew D. McCubbins ed., )
- Party Decline and Presidential Campaigns in the Television Age, in Under the Watchful Eye: Presidential Campaigns in the Television Era 9-58 (Mathew D. McCubbins ed., )
- Positive Canons: The Role of Legislative Bargains in Statutory Interpretation, 80 Georgetown Law Journal 705-742 () (under the nom de plume of McNollgast, with Roger G. Noll & Barry R. Weingast)
- Fiscal Policy and Divided Government, in The Politics of Divided Government (Gary W. Cox & Sameul Kernell eds., ) (with Gary W. Cox)
- Government on Lay-Away: Federal Spending and Deficits Under Divided Government, in Politics of Divided Government (Gary W. Cox & Samuel Kernell eds., ) (with Gary W. Cox)
- On the Decline of Party Voting in Congress, 16 Legislative Studies Quarterly 547-570 () (with Gary W. Cox)
- Party Governance and U.S. Budget Deficits: Divided Control and Fiscal Stalemate, in Politics and Economics in the Eighties 83-122 (Alberto Alesina & Geoffrey Carliner eds., )
- Party Politics, Divided Government, and Budget Deficits, in The Politics of Economic Policy in The U.S. and Japan (Samuel Kernell ed., )
- The Theory of Interpretive Canon and Legislative Behavior, 12 International Law and Economics Review 235-238 () (under the nom de plume of McNollgast, with Roger G. Noll & Barry R. Weingast)
- Book Review, American Political Science Review 302-304 () (reviewing Christopher H. Foreman Jr., Signals From the Hill: Congressional Oversight and the Challenge of Social Regulation (1989))
- Budget Policy-making and the Appearance of Power, 6 Journal of Law, Economics, and Organizations 133-153 ()
- Positive and Normative Models of Procedural Rights: An Integrative Approach to Administrative Procedures, 6 Journal of Law, Economics and Organizations 307-332 () (with others)
- Slack, Public Interest, and Structure-Induced Policy, 6 Journal of Law, Economics and Organizations 203-212 () (under the nom de plume of McNollgast, with Roger G. Noll & Barry R. Weingast)
- A Theory of Political Control and Agency Discretion, 33 American Journal of Political Science 588-611 () (with others)
- Parties, Committees, and Policymaking in the U.S. Congress: A Comment on the Role of Transaction Costs as Determinants of the Governance Structure of Political Institutions, 145 Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics 676-685 () (with D. Roderick Kiewiet)
- Structure and Process: Politics and Policy: Administrative Arrangements and the Political Control of Agencies, 75 Virginia Law Review 431-482 () (with others)
- Congress, The Courts and Public Policy: Policy Consequences of the One Man, One Vote Rule, 32 American Journal of Political Science 388-415 () (with Thomas Schwartz)
- Presidential Influence on Congressional Appropriation Decisions, 32 American Journal of Political Science 713-736 () (with D. Roderick Kiewiet)
- A Theory of Congressional Delegation, in Congress: Structure and Policy 409-425 (Mathew D. McCubbins & Terry Sullivan eds., ) (with Talbot Page)
- Administrative Procedure as Instruments of Political Control, 3 Journal of Law, Economics and Organization 243-277 () (with others)
- Introduction: Institutional Aspects of Decision Processes, in Congress: Structure and Policy (Mathew D. McCubbins & Terry Sullivan eds., ) (with Terry Sullivan)
- Representation, in Congress: Structure and Policy (Mathew D. McCubbins & Terry Sullivan eds., ) (with Terry Sullivan)
- The Impact of Institutional Arrangements on the Development of Public Policy, in Congress: Structure and Policy (Mathew D. McCubbins & Terry Sullivan eds., ) (with Terry Sullivan)
- The Impact of Institutional Arrangements: Implications for the Study of Congress, in Congress:Structure and Policy (Mathew D. McCubbins & Terry Sullivan eds., ) (with Terry Sullivan)
- The Shape of Congressional Institutions, in Congress: Structure and Policy (Mathew D. McCubbins & Terry Sullivan eds., ) (with Terry Sullivan)
- Electoral Politics as a Redistributive Game, 48 Journal of Politics 370-389 ()
- Policy Choice as an Electoral Investment, 48 Social Choice and Welfare 370-389 () (with others)
- The Congressional Foundations of Agency Performance, 51 Public Choice 173-190 () (with Talbot Page)
- Appropriation Decisions as a Bilateral Bargaining Game Between the President and Congress, 10 Legislative Studies Quarterly 181-201 ()
- Congressional Appropriations and the Electoral Connection, 47 Journal of Politics 59-82 () (with D. Roderick Kiewiet)
- The Legislative Design of Regulatory Structure, 29 American Journal of Political Science 721-748 ()
- The Politics of Flatland, 46 Public Choice 45-60 () (with Thomas Schwartz)
- Congressional Oversight Overlooked: Police Patrols vs. Fire Alarms, 28 American Journal of Political Science 165-179 () (with Thomas Schwartz)
- Constituency Influence on Legislative Policy Choice, 18 Quality and Quantity 299-319 ()
- Policy Components of Arms Competitions, 27 American Journal of Political Science 385-406 ()