Regional Programs
The Duke Law Alumni Association hosts events around the world that are open to all Duke Law alumni and friends.
Local programs offer alumni a lifelong connection to the school and fellow alumni and friends. Duke Law Regional Boards also provide unique volunteer opportunities for alumni in their local communities. All Law alumni living in a particular city will receive communication about upcoming alumni events, as long as we have a current mailing address on file for you. Update your address here.
United States Regional Activities
Duke Law School has alumni volunteer boards in U.S. metropolitan areas with the largest concentrations of Law alumni. Duke Law Regional Board Members plan networking, educational, volunteer, and fellowship opportunities for local alumni. Click on your region to learn more about local Duke Law alumni activities!
Duke Law Regional Boards
Duke Law regional alumni boards offer a lifelong connection to the school and other alumni through networking, volunteer and fellowship opportunities. Because the quest for knowledge does not end upon graduation, our regional boards focus on providing educational enrichment programs, informative seminars as well as social and civic activities that reflect the tradition and spirit of Duke Law. Regional alumni boards help plan events in metropolitan areas with the largest concentrations of Duke Law alumni. For more information about volunteering with your local board, please contact
International Regional Activities
Duke Law School is very proud of its growing numbers of international alumni. We have more than 1,000 international alumni--graduates of the JD, JD/LLM, LLM, and SJD programs. To learn more about international alumni activities, click here.