LENS Events
Upcoming Events
February 18: Prof Dunlap will host members of Duke Law’s 1L Reps for the Government & Public Service Society for lunch at the Washington Duke Inn
February 21: Prof Dunlap will participate in the "The U.S. Military in the Age of President Trump 2.0" panel for the Illinois College of Law.
February 27: LENS and the National Security Law Society will present a luncheon event on “Careers In National Security Law” in Room 20027 from 12:30 p.m. to 30 p.m. (conference registration not required).
February 28 - March 1, 2025: 30th Annual National Security Law Conference, Duke Law.
March 4: National Security Law Society will host a “National Security Law Networking Coffee Chat” with several attorneys who practice at law firms. 8:30-10:30 AM in the Law School Third Floor Mezzanine. Please RSVP here: https://duke.is/NSLSNetworking.
March 5: National Security Law Society will host “Sanctions and Export Controls: National Security Law in the Private Sector” with Duke Law alum Les Carnegie (L' 99), who specialized in CFIUS, economic sanctions, export controls, and more. 12:30 PM in Law School 4042. Les specializes in Please RSVP here: https://forms.gle/2U2Hgwkuc7jhLfwH7.
March 19: Prof Dunlap will speak on “lawfare” for the Alexander Hamilton Society at Rice University.
March 26: Prof. Dunlap will guest lecture on cyberwar for the cyber policy course at the Pratt School of Engineering.
April 9-11: Prof Dunlap will make a presentation on the Law of Targeting at the Center for International and Comparative Law and Saint Louis University Law Journal's Symposiu
April 16: Prof. Dunlap will speak to the Torch Club on national security issues at Croasdaile Country Club.
Past Events
February 5: Maj Gen (Ret.) Dunlap will make a presentation of Lawfire for the United Nations Institute for Training and Research’s Executive Diploma on International Law in the 21st Century.
November 14-15: The Center on Law, Ethics and National Security (LENS) will facilitate the attendance of a selected group of Duke Law students to the American Bar Association’s 34th Review of the Field of National Security Law conference in Washington, DC.
November 4: The Center on Law, Ethics and National Security (LENS) and the National Security Law Society will host a luncheon for Ms. Heather Huntley from the Centers for Disease Control on “Health Law and National Security” in Room 4045. Open to the public, and lunch will be served.
November 3: The Center of Law, Ethics and National Security will host a viewing of the movie Eye in the Sky, followed by a discussion. Invitation only; for more information, contact Professor Dunlap.
November 1: Prof. Stansbury will host a panel discussion at the Defending the Judiciary conference at Duke Law focusing on the role of online threats and disinformation in attacks against judges and the judiciary.
October 31: Maj Gen (Ret.) Dunlap will speak to Air Force ROTC Detachment Det 585 on leadership.
October 31: Prof Dunlap will host a luncheon for 1Ls at the Washington Duke Inn (by invitation).
October 24: Prof. Stansbury will host a panel discussion on ransomware in the age of artificial intelligence at the Cybersecurity in the Age of AI conference at Duke’s Pratt School of Engineering.
October 10: Prof. Dunlap will host a by-invitation luncheon with students for Ms. Ayesha Malik an Eisenhower Fellow.
September 18: Prof. Dunlap will host a lunch chat for 1Ls at the Washington Duke Inn (by invitation).
October 9: The National Security Law Society will host a panel on Careers in the Intelligence Agency at 12:30 p.m., Room 3037.
October 3: Maj Gen (Ret.) Dunlap will speak to the Alexander Hamilton chapter at the University of Florida.
September 24: Prof. Dunlap will guest lecture in LAW 557 (Space Law) on “Military Uses of Space / International Conflicts in Space.”
September 12: Duke’s National Security Law Society will hold its General Body Meeting at 12:30 p.m. in Room 4042. Lunch will be provided. All Duke Law students are invited to attend. For more information, please contact Katherine French at katherine.k.french@duke.edu or Jimmy Scoville at jimmy.scoville@duke.edu.
May 13-15, 2024: Prof Dunlap will participate in the 2nd Annual Future of Warfare and the Law Symposium, Austin, TX.
March 26, 2024: Prof Dunlap will discuss his career and work at an informal "lunch chat" hosted by Duke’s International Law Society.
March 13, 2024: Prof Dunlap will speak to the Croasdaile Study Club about current issues in national security.
February 23-24, 2024: 29th Annual National Security Law Conference, Duke Law, information here.
November 16-17: The Center on Law, Ethics and National Security will cosponsor a trip to Washington, DC for the ABA’s Standing Committee on Law and National Security annual conference. Contact Riley Flewelling riley.flewelling@duke.edu or Madison Cash madison.cash@duke.edu for further information.
November 5: The Center of Law, Ethics and National Security will host a viewing of the movie, Eye in the Sky, to be followed by a discussion. Invitation only; for more information contact Professor Dunlap.
November 1: The National Security Law Society will host a "Summer Experience Panel" from 12:30-1:30 p.m. in Room 4045.
October 9: Ms. Heather Huntley of the Centers for Disease Control General Counsel office will speak from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. about current issues in health law, especially as they intersect with national security in Room 3043.
September 26: Maj Gen (Ret.) Dunlap will keynote “The Future and Ethics of Uncrewed and Autonomous Warfare” conference sponsored by the University of South Florida’s Global and National Security Institute, as part of its Tampa Summit Series, and in partnership with USF’s College of Arts and Sciences, the National Defense University's Near East and South Asia (NESA) Center for Strategic Studies, and U.S. Central Command (USCENTCOM), Tampa, FL.
September 13: The National Security Law Society will hold its General Body Meeting from 12:30-1:30 p.m. in Room 4042. Contact Riley Flewelling riley.flewelling@duke.edu or Madison Cash madison.cash@duke.edu for further information.
September 8: The National Security Law Society will participate in the annual Student Activities Fair, Duke Law. Contact Riley Flewelling riley.flewelling@duke.edu or Madison Cash madison.cash@duke.edu for further information.
May 22-24: Professor Stansbury will help lead the second-annual Duke Cybersecurity Leadership Program, a unique multi-disciplinary program designed to prepare leaders in government and industry for risk management in cybersecurity. This year’s program will include specialized tracks in national security, law, and health care. The program is still accepting applications, and details are available here.
May 9-11: Professor Dunlap will participate in the 1st Annual Future of Warfare and the Law Symposium sponsored by the U.S. Army’s Futures Command, Austin, TX.
- May 8: Professor Dunlap will participate on the “Commercial Drones on the Battlefield - Implications to the Law of War” at the Association for Uncrewed Vehicle Systems International convention in Denver, CO.
- March 21: Professor Dunlap will speak on “The Use of Force and International Law” for the Alexander Hamilton Society at Wake Forest University.
- February 23: LENS will host a luncheon panel in Room 3037 on “Careers in National Security Law featuring RADM Melissa Bert, Judge Advocate General, U.S. Coast Guard; Mr. Phillip Carter, Senior Director, Public Sector Legal, Salesforce; Ms. Michele Pearce, Of Counsel, Covington & Burling; and Ms. Genelle Francis, Assistant General Counsel, Federal Bureau of Investigation.
- February 15: Professor Dunlap will guest lecture on “Cyberwar” for Cybersecurity and Interdisciplinary Law in Duke’s Master of Engineering in Cybersecurity program.
- February 24-25: 28th Annual National Security Law Conference at Duke Law.
- December 13: Professor Dunlap will participate on a panel discussing “Integrated Deterrence” for the 4th Annual Stockton Center Law of Armed Conflict Conference at the U.S. Naval War College.
- Nov 11: Professor Dunlap will serve on a panel addressing, “The Russian Invasion of Ukraine and International Law, Order, and Security” hosted by the International and National Security Law practice group of the Federalist Society at the Mayflower Hotel, Washington, D.C.
- Nov 7: Mr. Les Carnegie, a partner will speak 12:30-1:30 pm at Duke Law on “National Security Law in the Private Sector: Sanctions, CFIUS, and much more!” This event is co-sponsored with the National Security Law Society.
- October 21: Prof. Dunlap will speak on lawfare to the Joint Advanced Warfighting School at the Joint Forces Staff College of the National Defense University in Norfolk, VA.
- Oct 17: Ms. Heather Huntley, Office of the General Counsel, Centers of Disease Control, will speak 12:30-1:30 pm at Duke Law on “Public Health Emergency Law.” This event is co-sponsored with the National Security Law Society.
- September 22: Mr. Adam Hickey, the Deputy Assistant Attorney General for the National Security Division, will speak 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm in Room 3037 on the topic “Countering Nation-State Threats in the Modern Era.” This event is co-sponsored with the National Security Law Society.
- September 6: Mr. Ben Kastan, Duke Law, ’12 and currently Associate General Counsel for Cybersecurity at the National Security Agency, will speak 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm in Room 3037 on the topic “Cybersecurity and National Security: Current Legal and Policy Challenges”. This event is co-sponsored with the National Security Law Society.
- March 15: Professor Dunlap will be the guest speaker at a dinner meeting of a group of Triangle Area business and professional leaders known as The Fifty Group.
- March 3: LENS will co-sponsor with the Federalist Society a luncheon presentation by Harvard Law Professor Jack Goldsmith about executive power and national security.
- February 25 - 26, 2022: LENS’ 27th Annual National Security Law Conference. Agenda and additional information found here.
- February 18: Prof. Dunlap will co-host a lunch with Duke Law’s Students in Government and Public Service Society.
- February 15: LENS will co-sponsor with the Environmental Law Society a luncheon discussion with Federal Judge James Boasberg, moderated by Professor Steve Roady.
- 10 Nov: Prof. Dunlap will participate (virtually) in a panel for the Roger Williams University School of Law entitled The Afghan War: A Legally Justified War?
- October 28: Prof. Dunlap will have lunch with 1Ls organized by LEAD Fellows.
- October 25 at 12:30 p.m. - LENS is one of the co-sponsors of the Families and National Security event organized by the Center for International and Comparative Law and the International Human Rights Clinic. Further details (including a link for livestreaming) are found here.
- October 25, 2021 at 12:30 p.m. – “Cryptocurrency and National Security,” a conversation with Ari Redbord, head of legal and government affairs for the blockchain intelligence firm, TRM Labs, and former Senior Advisor to the Deputy Treasury Secretary and the Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence. Cosponsored with Duke’s Global Financial Markets Center. Further details and a registration link are available here.
- October 25: Prof. Dunlap will deliver (remotely) a lecture entitled "Lawfare in Modern Conflicts" to the Department of Defense’s Joint Advanced Warfighting School (JAWS).
- October 20, 2021 at 12:20 p.m. - Prof. Stansbury will be joining U.S. District Judge James C. Dever III for a discussion entitled “Federal Criminal Proceedings During the Covid-19 Era,” sponsored by the Federalist Society. The event will be held at Duke Law School in Room 3037.