
LENS Events

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Upcoming Events

  • February 5: Maj Gen (Ret.) Dunlap will make a presentation of Lawfire for the United Nations Institute for Training and Research’s Executive Diploma on International Law in the 21st Century.

  • February 13: Prof. Dunlap will participate on a panel on civil-military relations at the National War College.

  • February 28 - March 1, 2025: 30th Annual National Security Law Conference, Duke Law.

  • March 26: Prof. Dunlap will guest lecture on cyberwar for the cyber policy course at the Pratt School of Engineering.

Past Events


  • June 28: Professor Dunlap will attend the Center for a New American Security Annual Conference, Mayflower Hotel, Washington, DC.
  • June 9: Professor Dunlap will teach classes on "Lawfare" and on "Civil-Military Relations" at the 25th National Security Law Institute at the University of Virginia Law School, Charlottesville, VA.
  • May 23: Professor Dunlap will participate on a “Military and Politics” panel at a conference entitled “Command Climate: Civil-Military Relations in Policy, Politics, and Public” hosted by the Center for Strategic & International Studies, Wash., DC.
  • May 14: Professor Dunlap will serve as the Law School Faculty Marshal for the Duke University commencement ceremony.
  • May 12: Maj. Gen. Dunlap will conduct a promotion ceremony for 2nd Lieutenants Pam K. Bhullar and Morgan Hardy of the Duke University School of Medicine at 1400 in the Trent Semans Center for Health Education, Duke University, Durham, NC.
  • April 21-22: Professor Dunlap will participate in a conference entitled “Critical, Historical, and Comparative Perspective on International Humanitarian Law,” to be held at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI.
  • April 14: Prof. Dunlap will participate on a panel at the American Society of International Law (ASIL) entitled "Bombing Terrorist Revenue: Legitimate Military Strategy or War Crime of Attacking Civilian Objects” to take place between 11:00 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. on Friday morning in Regency A of the Hyatt Regency Capitol Hill during the ASIL annual Conference.
  • April 8: Professor Dunlap will participate in a session on cybersecurity presented as part of Reunion Weekend at the Law School.
  • April 4: Professor Dunlap will participate on a panel entitled "Cyber-Attacks: Understanding the International Threat” at the Incident Response Forum 2017 to be held at the Mayflower Hotel, in Wash. D.C.
  • March 7: The Center will host LTG Flora Darpino, the Judge Advocate General of the U.S. Army at a luncheon at the Washington Duke at 12:30 pm. Students interested in attending should contact Professor Dunlap,
  • February 24-25: The annual springs LENS Conference on Cyber, Security & Surveillance: Truth & Consequences will be held on February 24-25, 2017 at Duke Law School. Agenda and registration information can be found at and for further information, please contact Victoria Zellefrow at
  • February 23: Professor George Lucas will speak about his new book, Ethics and Cyber Warfare: The Quest for Responsible Security in the Age of Digital Warfare at 12:30 pm in Room 3041. The public is invited, and pizza will be served. No registration required
  • February 2: Professor Dunlap will moderate a panel entitled “Practicing Law on the Front Lines: An Evening with Senior Military Lawyers” at the ABA Mid-Year Meeting in Miami, FL.
  • February 1: The National Security Law Society will present a panel with three Covington and Burling attorneys who will discuss their career path, as well as what it means to practice national security law. It will take place at 12:30 PM in Room 4045 of the Law School 4045.


  • February 24-25: Annual LENS Conference
  • January 27: Professor Dunlap will participate in the Connecticut Law Review’s 2017 symposium, entitled “Our Information Society: Security v. Surveillance” in Hartford, CT.
  • January 14: Professor Dunlap addresses the Carolina Meadows “University” on current issues of national security law
  • November 14-15: The ABA Standing Committee on Law & National Security will hold its 26th Annual Review of the Field of National Security Law CLE Conference
  • November 8: Professor Dunlap will participate on a panel sponsored by Duke University’s Army ROTC Detachment as part of an Officer Professional Development (OPD) session.
  • November 3: Professor Dunlap will give a presentation on “Lawfare” to the National Defense University’s Joint Advanced Warfighting School (JAWS) class in Norfolk, VA.
  • November 4: Professor Dunlap will participate in the North Carolina Journal of International Law symposium, entitled “"Cyberwarfare and International Law” at the Friday Center in Chapel Hill, NC
  • November 1: Duke’s Center for International & Global Studies will host ADM James Stavridis, the former commander of NATO, for a lecture at 6:00 pm at the Nasher Museum of Art Auditorium entitled "The Future of NATO as a Force for Global Stability: post-Turkish Coup & post-Brexit.” More information can be found here.
  • October 26: Ms. Paula Kocher of the General Counsel’s Office for the Centers for Disease Control will be giving a guest lecture to the National Security Law class from 6 pm to 7:50 pm in Room 4000 at the Law School. Seats are available for other interested students and faculty. Please send an email to Professor Dunlap at if you would like to attend.
  • October 25: Duke’s American Grand Strategy Program will be hosting veteran political strategists Karl Rove and Jim Messina for a discussion on the presidential election on Tuesday, October 25th at 5:00pm in Page Auditorium. Tickets are required for this event, and information can be found here.
  • October 7: Professor Dunlap addresses the Jewish Community Center’s Men’s Group on current issues of national security law.
  • October 6: Professor Dunlap will be a judge for final round of the 2016 intramural Jessup Cup
  • September 30: Professor Dunlap will moderate a discussion of "Careers in Service: the State Department & the White House" with two Duke Law grads, Ambassador-at-Large, Susan Coppedge, Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, US Dept. of State, and Amy Pope, Deputy Homeland Security Advisot and Deputy Assistant to the President at the National Security Council. The event will take place in Room 4047 at 12:30 pm. This is part of the Careers in Government & Public Service Speaker Series.
  • September 28: Professor Dunlap will participate on panel entitled “Brave New World: Balancing Civil Liberties and National Security in the Twenty-First Century” at the 2016 Inter-Court conference at Asheville, NC, which will be hosted by the Supreme Court of North Carolina, the National Center for State Courts, and the Federal Judicial Center.
  • September 21: Professor Dunlap will attend the annual Board Dinner for the Center for a New American Security in Washington, DC.
  • September 21: Professor Dunlap will host a luncheon at the Army and Navy Club in Washington, D.C. for Duke in DC participants
  • September 15: Professor Dunlap was a panelist for a lunchtime talk with Doug Bandow (Cato Institute). He discussed American foreign policy and military intervention. This event was hosted by Duke's Federalist Society chapter.
  • September 8: Professor Dunlap will chair a panel on “Economic Targets” at the United States Strategic Command Advanced Operations Law Conference in Omaha, NE.
  • August 10: Professor Dunlap will participate in the Fugh Symposium as the moderator of the panel entitled "Hybrid Conflict: A Game Changer?," as well as a member of the "Hearts, Minds, and Modems" panel. The symposium will take place at the U.S. Army Judge Advocate General School on the campus of the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA..
  • August 1: Professor Dunlap will deliver a lecture on military ethics to the UNC-IDB Strategic Studies Fellows Program
  • June 21: Professor Dunlap was the keynote speaker for the “Ethics Under Fire” conference at the Australian Defence Force Academy, Canberra, AUS.
  • June 20: Professor Dunlap spoke about drones to the Royal Australian Air Force's Air Power Development Centre, and about “lawfare” to the Australian Defense Force Legal Services, Canberra, AUS.
  • June 4: Professor Dunlap was honored by his high school with his induction into the Salesianum Hall of Fame in Wilmington, DE.
  • May 13: Professor Dunlap (Maj Gen. USAF (Ret.)) presided over the commissioning ceremony for Air Force ROTC cadets at 8:30 am in the Duke University Chapel.
  • May 15: Professor Dunlap served as the Law Faculty Marshal at the Duke University Commencement.
  • April 26-28: Professor Dunlap participated in the EUCOM-SHAPE International Legal Conference, in Warsaw, Poland.
  • April 22: Professor Dunlap spoke on civil-military relations at the McCain Conference at the U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD.
  • April 6: Professor H. Jefferson Powell gave a reading and discuss his latest book, Targeting Americans: The Constitutionality of the U.S. Drone War. Powell's book focuses on the legal debate surrounding drone strikes, From a position of deep practical expertise in constitutional issues, Prof. Powell provides a dispassionate and balanced analysis of the issues posed by U.S. targeted killing policy. Professor Joseph Blocher and Professor Charles Dunlap, Executive Director, Center on Law, Ethics and National Security, discussed
  • March 25: Professor Dunlap made a presentation for Shared Learning of Chapel Hill, as part of the Lindgren Lecture Series, Chapel Hill, NC.
  • March 21: Professor Dunlap participated in a symposium on done warfare at Colgate University, Hamilton, NY
  • March 9: Professor Dunlap spoke about drones at Columbia University, New York, NY
  • March 1: Professor Dunlap spoke about drones at Miami University, Oxford, OH.
  • February 19: LENS hosted General Martin E. Dempsey, USA (Ret.), the former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and current Rubenstein Fellow at Duke for a luncheon presentation.
  • February 17: Professor Dunlap participated in the Hoover Institution “Book Soiree” discussing Professor Orde Kittre’s new book “Lawfare” with Professor Jack Goldsmith of Harvard University, Wash., DC
  • February 12: Professor Dunlap participated in the Law of War Symposium at Loyola University of Chicago School of Law, Chicago, IL.


  • June 10: Professor Dunlap taught classes on "Lawfare" and on "Civil-Military Relations" at the 24th National Security Law Institute at the University of Virginia Law School, Charlottesville, VA.
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Prof. Charles Dunlap at Duke University meeting with former U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice

Former U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice with center director Prof. Charles Dunlap, Jr. and members of the Duke community.


Maj. Gen. Dunlap awarded Judge Advocate Specialty badges to two former students, First Lieutenants Chris Pilch and Greg Speirs upon their graduation from the U.S. Air Force's Judge Advocate Staff Officers' Course.

On April 24th 2015, Maj. Gen. Dunlap awarded Judge Advocate Specialty badges to two former students, First Lieutenants Chris Pilch and Greg Speirs upon their graduation from the U.S. Air Force's Judge Advocate Staff Officers' Course.