Student Testimonials

I loved the Summer Institute. I learned more about law school and all that it offers in four weeks than I have in my entire college career. The classes were informative and thought-provoking. I would do it again in a heartbeat.

I really appreciated the generosity and thoroughness of the instructors' engagement, and the care they demonstrated concerning student questions and the materials concerned. I truly felt like the instructors' student, and the framing of the course provided an excellent and rigorous (but "safe") structure for participation and learning.

Even though I have always wanted to study the law for the purpose of working in criminal justice reform, I was unfamiliar with the formal process. This program has without a doubt made me feel both prepared and confident when I walk into law school on the first day. Further, the professors were beyond helpful and eager to assist with any and all questions.

This experience was so highly valuable for me both at my current job in litigation consulting and with regards to my long-term interest in law school. It killed two birds with one stone, allowing me to get a real taste of law school and learn more about the litigation industry and world of lawyers I work in.

I have been postponing applying to law school for six years but participating in the Summer Institute solidified my decision to apply immediately after completing the program. Any doubt or fear I had before was completely eliminated and only confirmed my reasoning for wanting to go to law school to begin with.

This program exceeded my expectations in terms of learning about substantive legal material, as well as giving me an idea of what law school is all about, the many paths I could take with a law degree, and truly what it means to 'think like a lawyer.'

It was everything expected and more. I will definitely recommend to other students thinking about going to law school at my college.