1Ls and 2Ls: Summer Diversity Fellowships Student Panel
November 08, 2018 • 12:30 PM • Law School 3037
Diversity internship opportunities are offered by private firms for 1L summer and come in various names, from "fellowships" to "scholarships." Most include a 1L summer associate position and special learning and mentorship opportunities for diverse students. Learn from 2Ls and 3Ls about their experiences with diversity internships during their 1L summers. Panelists will review the application process and timeline, what employers are looking for in candidates, and how they approached the "personal statement" portion of diversity applications. This program is aimed towards 1Ls, but 2Ls interested in applying for 2L diversity internships will also benefit. Moderated and sponsored by the Career & Professional Development Center. For more information, please contact Bethan Eynon at bethan.eynon@law.duke.edu.