Event Planning
Non Law School inquiries should be directed to the Events Office at events@law.duke.edu or (919) 613-8548.
Law School Community, please read the policies, guidelines, and resources provided in the sidebar and then follow the steps below.
Please note, no more than four student organization sponsored or cosponsored events will be scheduled during the lunch hour, Monday - Thursday.
Please note, Law School classrooms, staffing and supporting department resources are limited. To ensure successful events, we limit conferences, symposiums, and all-day meetings to only one on any given day. During the academic year, these events can only be scheduled on Friday, Saturday and/or Sunday.
Step 1
Check the Duke Law Calendar to find an available date and time for your event. Please note, it is possible for rooms to be booked that are not noted on the Calendar. Consult Duke Medicine's Interfaith Holiday Calendar for religious or cultural observances that could conflict.
Contact events@law.duke.edu with any room or date availability questions.
*Events marked with an asterisk are intended for the entire Duke Law School community. No conflicting student/ student organization events will be scheduled.
Step 2
Submit an event request.
An event request is required for use of any non-office space in the Law School building unless an internal meeting, in which either a student group meeting form or an Outlook meeting request is required.
Requests must be submitted a minimum of two weeks in advance of your requested event date.
Please allow up to 48 business hours for a confirmation.
Submitting an Event Request does not guarantee space for your event.
Your event space is not confirmed until you receive an e-mail confirmation from the Events Office. Do not confirm your speakers or advertise your event until you have received confirmation from the Events Office.
Step 3
After the Event Request has been confirmed - Submit an Event Manager Questionnaire (EMQ) no less than 10 days but no more than 14 days prior to your event.
Law School faculty and staff wishing to reserve a room for an internal meeting (not posted to the Calendar) should send an Outlook calendar meeting request directly to the room a minimum of 48 business hours in advance.
Please send the request to the room first and do not include the attendees. If the room is in use before and/ or after your requested time, please make sure there is a 15 minute buffer between room reservations. This will allow the previous reservation attendees time to vacate and for your attendees to vacate before the next reservation. Your Outlook request will be reviewed and accepted by the Events Office; please do not consider your meeting request confirmed until it is accepted through Outlook. Once you receive the confirmation message, you may then invite your attendees. Please make sure you have your settings to where you can receive a confirmation. If your request is for less than 48 business hours in advance, please e-mail events@law.duke.edu so we know a request was made. It may take up to 24 business hours for a room request to be accepted.
Law School student organizations wishing to reserve a room in the Law School for an internal meeting (not posted to the Calendar), not an event, should submit a LAW SCHOOL STUDENT ORGANIZATION MEETING REQUEST FORM
Submitting a Meeting Request does not guarantee a room for your meeting.
This form is for internal student group meetings that are not publicized. If you wish to reserve a room for an open meeting or event that will be posted to the Calendar, please submit an Event Request. Please wait for confirmation of your meeting request before notifying your group of the meeting time and location! Your request will be confirmed within two business days. Requests must be made a minimum of three business days prior to the meeting date to ensure confirmation within two business days.
If you do not receive a confirmation message within two business days, please call or e-mail Events as we may not have received the request. If you request a room the same day of your meeting (within a 24-hour period), please call or e-mail Events. We will make every effort to accommodate a last-minute request.
If you have questions or need help planning an event, please contact us at events@law.duke.edu or 919-613-8548.