2019 PILF Auction & Gala
February 15, 2019 • 6:30 PM • Washington Duke Inn
The PILF Auction & Gala is an annual cocktail party fundraiser that draws high levels of participation among students, faculty, staff and alumni. By donating and bidding on a wide range of both silent and live auction items, the entire Law School community comes together for this popular event in order to support students engaged in summer public interest internships. The items at the auction will be donations solicited by PILF throughout the year from law firms, local businesses, faculty, students, and alumni. Popular items have included a law school parking lot pass, vacation time shares, dinners with professors, and more. Sponsored by PILF. For more information, please contact Stella Boswell boswell@law.duke.edu or Scott Boisvert scott.boisvert@duke.edu.