Annual Center on Law, Economics, and Public Policy (CLEPP) Conference
November 02, 2019 • 8:00 AM • Law School 4000
The focus of this year's Center on Law, Economics, and Public Policy (CLEPP) conference is how animal well-being should be incorporated into the normative frameworks of welfare economics. The standard frameworks (namely cost-benefit analysis and social welfare functions) focus exclusively on the well-being (usually, the preferences) of human persons. However, it is increasingly recognized by philosophers, and in wider social discourse, that non-human animals (or at least a subset thereof) also have ethical standing. Conference participants include leading researchers from philosophy and economics. A full participant list, schedule, and directions are available on the conference website. Duke faculty, staff, and graduate or professional students are welcome to attend all or part of the conference, as are those with an academic affiliation elsewhere. Sponsored by the Center on Law, Economics, and Public Policy. For more information, please contact Isabel Fox at