Appraising Senator Romney's Child Allowance
April 13, 2021 • 12:30 PM • Virtual
Senator Romney proposed the Family Security Act earlier this year, which would provide a more generous child allowance for certain families with children. At the same time, Sen. Romney's proposal would reform other sources of aid for low-income individuals, resulting in a deficit-neutral bill that could gain enough votes to pass in the evenly split Senate. Join us for a discussion on this proposed program between Mr. Sam Hammond and Professor David R. Henderson. Mr. Hammond helped craft Senator Romney's proposed program and is the Director of Poverty and Welfare Policy at the Niskanen Center. Professor Henderson served on President Reagan's Council of Economic Advisors, is a Research Fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution, and is a Professor of Economics at the Naval Postgraduate School. Sponsored by the Duke Law Federalist Society. Co-sponsored by the Law & Economics Society, the Duke Political Science Department, the Duke Philosophy, Politics, & Economics Program, and the Duke Program in American Values and Institutions. For more information, please contact Tess Vartanian at Log in with this Webinar ID: 936 5394 0333, or this link: