Biogas: Permitting, Pollutant Emissions, and Community Perspectives
November 10, 2020 • 1:00 PM • Virtual
Biogas projects in North Carolina trap methane emissions from swine waste to generate energy. The technology may expand dramatically over the next decade. Panelists will discuss community perspectives, permitting requirements, and pollutant emissions from these facilities in the context of an upcoming public hearing on permitting a new facility. Will Hendrick, Senior Attorney at Waterkeeper Alliance, Devon Hall of Rural Empowerment for Association for Community Help, and Professor Viney Aneja of the Department of Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences at North Carolina State University will talk with Professor Ryke Longest of the Duke Environmental Law and Policy Clinic. Register at Cosponsored by the Duke Environmental Law and Policy Clinic and the Duke Water Network. For more information, contact Claire Hermann at