CANCELED - Second Chance Expunction Eligibility Project Training

September 15, 2020 • 5:00 PM • Virtual

On June 25, 2020, Governor Roy Cooper signed the Second Chance Act into Law. The Second Chance Act is a bipartisan "clean slate" bill that will expand eligibility for expunging nonviolent criminal convictions after a waiting period, and automates expungement of certain dismissed or "not guilty" charges. This bill allows prosecutors to petition for expungement for dismissed or "not guilty" charges and Raise the Age convictions, and allows individuals to petition for expungement of multiple nonviolent misdemeanor convictions after 7 years of good behavior. Expunction of these records opens the doors for employment and housing to hundreds of thousands of North Carolinians. Currently, Forward Justice is trying to contact 180,000 North Carolinians to inform them of their probable eligibility for expunction and to encourage them to register to vote. Duke Law Students can assist in this effort by calling or texting the persons on the list and making them aware of their possible eligibility. Sponsored by Office of Public Interest and Pro Bono. For more information, contact Kim Burrucker at Zoom link: