At the Copa don't fall in Love? Child Abduction between Brazilian Law and The Hague Convention
February 06, 2018 • 12:30 PM • Law School 4000
Nine years ago, the story of young Sean Goldman was all over the news. Sean's Brazilian mother refused to return him after a vacation she took with him in Brazil, and even after she died her American father had to fight through the courts in two countries to return him to the United States. What is the Brazilian perspective on these kinds of conflicts? And what has changed since then? Nadia de Araujo, professor of law at Pontifical Catholic University in Rio, and Judge Marcelo de Nardi, Federal Judge in Porto Alegre, discuss the Brazilian legal system and its peculiarities with regard to The Hague Abduction Convention. Lunch will be served. Co-sponsored by Ralf Michaels and the Center for International and Comparative Law. For more information, please contact Lauren Maxey at