Duke Environmental Law & Policy Forum 2021 Symposium: Trends in Natural Resources Law
November 12, 2021 • 1:00 PM • Virtual
Join the Duke Environmental Law & Policy Forum for its Fall Symposium, Trends in Natural Resources Law. This Fall's Symposium will focus on Native American and Tribal Land across the United States and the roles litigation, regulation, and innovation. Given the present circumstances, the Symposium will have a hybrid format. Those outside of the Duke Community are welcome to join the Symposium virtually via zoom. Sponsored by DELPF. For more information here: https://delpf.law.duke.edu/fall-2021-symposium/ If you are interested in attending, please register in advance for this meeting at: https://duke.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMucuytrzIjH9MjFQriBEvrqu4ESe1DP…