Duke Law JLSA Passover Seder
April 19, 2019 • 6:30 PM • See description
Please join JLSA for our annual Duke Law JLSA Passover Seder. All are welcome! The event will be held at Trinity Avenue Presbyterian Church (927 W. Trinity Ave) while Beth-El Synagogue is still undergoing renovations. As a thank you for hosting us, please also bring 1-2 cans of non-perishable food to donate to the Church's pantry. This event would not be possible without the generosity of incredible Duke Law alumni. This year, we would like to extend our deepest thank-you's to Stephen Labaton (L'86), Michael L. Tanchum (L'72), and Letty M. Tanchum (L'73) for their generous donations. In order to get an accurate estimate of how much food to prepare, kindly submit an RSVP via the link provided. Be sure to include the number of guests that you will bring. Parking details are available on the RSVP form. Please contact Roxanne Degens (roxanne.degens@duke.edu) or Shoshana Silverstein (shoshana.silverstein) with any questions.