Duke Law Live - What is Fraud? - Charlotte, NC
November 13, 2019 • 11:30 AM • Charlotte, NC
People tend to assume that fraud is a simple concept, easily identified if not always quite so easy to prove in court. This is true only when it comes to the rare Bernard Madoffs of the world. It turns out that fraud is a highly contestable concept and, in the business world, a fascinatingly diverse phenomenon. Understanding fraud-as both a behavior and a legal doctrine-is the key to grasping why white collar crime is so different from street crime and why, for example, it was always very unlikely that bankers involved in the mortgage-backed securities disaster of the early 2000s would end up in jail. Using examples from recent corporate scandals, this session will illuminate the true nature of business fraud and explain why debates about what constitutes a white collar crime will always be with us. NC CLE credit is currently pending for this program. This event is coordinated by the alumni and development office. For more information, please contact alumni_office@law.duke.edu. Registration fee includes lunch.