Fair Chance Project TROSA Expunction Clinic
November 04, 2022 • 1:30 PM • Law School 4000
The Duke Law Fair Chance Project will host three pro bono clinics for students to draft expunction petitions and advice letters for TROSA (Triangle Residential Options for Substance Abusers) clients. On November 18, students will meet with their TROSA client(s) to discuss their expunction petitions. Students will be trained and supervised by attorneys from the Durham Expunction & Restoration Program (DEAR) and Legal Aid of North Carolina. Clinics are open to all JDs and LLMs; no prior experience necessary. Training is required, and remote options are available for the training, clinics, and client meetings. Sponsored by the Fair Chance Project. For volunteer sign-ups or more information, please contact Andrea Roos at andrea.roos@duke.edu.