Fall 2022 Externship Information Meeting
March 22, 2022 • 12:30 PM • Law School 4042
Are you thinking about doing an externship next year? Do you want to know more about what an externship is, how it differs from a clinic, or how to work it into the rest of your class and extracurricular schedule? Come hear about Duke's Externship program (part-time, full-time, and Duke in DC) at this information session. Students will learn about how to find government, non-profit, judicial, and "in-house" / private sector placements, and discuss why, when, and where to do externships. ALL students interested in a 2022-2023 externship should attend this meeting; please RSVP at this link: https://bit.ly/3hsHrTc. If you cannot attend the meeting, please click the RSVP link anyway to indicate which semester you are interested in doing an externship and we will follow up with you. Sponsored by the Externship Office. For more information, please contact monique.taylor@law.duke.edu. Sponsored by the Externship Office.