Finance and Law Lunch
March 21, 2017 • 11:30 AM • Fuqua School of Business
These lunches are for interested faculty and Ph.D. students from Duke Law School, UNC Law, and Fuqua's Finance Department. The purpose is to discuss areas in which research overlaps, to facilitate the sharing of points of view and insights, and to explore ways in which legal insight can inform finance papers and vice versa. On Tuesday, March 21, Duke Law professor Steven Schwarcz will present "SOVEREIGN DEBT RESTRUCTURING AND ENGLISH GOVERNING LAW." The audience is encouraged to read the paper ahead of time and ask Professor Schwarcz any questions they may have. The lunch will take place in the McKinley Seminar Room on the 1st floor of the Magat Building at Fuqua. Pizza and soda will be served. Sponsored by the Global Financial Markets Center. For more information, please contact Lee Reiners at