Finding Your GPI Narrative & EJW Networking Prep
October 20, 2020 • 2:00 PM • Virtual
This program is intended for those who are pursuing GPI careers and/or who will participate in the Equal Justice Works Career Fair Employer Informational Sessions (Saturday, Oct. 24, 2-3:30 p.m. ET); others interested in learning about networking and interviewing with government/public interest employers should also attend. Register here to receive the meeting link:…. With EJW just a few days away (October 22-24, 2020), upper-level students will perform mock networking scenarios specific to Equal Justice Works and help you practice. You will walk away with more confidence in approaching GPI employers, having identified a theme for your public interest narrative, and practiced initiating conversations with employers. We will also go over brief logistics and guidance for the event. Click link to review the schedule of events and register with Duke-specific instructions: - note that the deadline to register for the event is October 19, the day before this prep session. For more information, contact Monique Taylor at Sponsored by the Public Interest and Pro Bono Office.