Guardian Ad Litem Info Session
September 09, 2021 • 12:30 PM • Virtual
The Guardian ad Litem (GAL) Program advocates for abused and neglected children petitioned into the court system by the Department of Social Services. A GAL volunteer is the eyes and ears for a judge and the person who tells the child's story to the court. These volunteers are needed in every N.C. county, including Durham, to help judges make decisions regarding the best interests of each child. A volunteer's advocacy ensures that children have a safe permanent home and the appropriate services to lead a healthy successful life. At this virtual info session with Shirley Harley-Smith, District Coordinator for the GAL Program, and Breanna McHugh, student leader of the GAL program at Duke, students can learn more about this program and how to get involved. To access the Zoom meeting, register using your Duke email address at:…. The meeting ID is 939 1663 5969. The meeting will be recorded. For more information or to access the recording, please contact Sponsored by Guardian Ad Litem Program.