JD/MA in Bioethics & Science Policy Information Session
September 14, 2022 • 12:30 PM • Law School 3037
Explore science, technology, ethics, and policy through a joint JD/MA in Bioethics & Science Policy Program. A new generation of legal scholars, practitioners, and visionaries need preparation to assess the legal, ethical, and policy implications that arise from burgeoning technologies, many of which are already entering our public spheres. The JD/MA in Bioethics & Science Policy can help direct your legal career towards engagement around innovative and emerging science and technologies. The joint degree program allows you to earn your masters concurrently with your JD. Boxed lunches will be provided with your RSVP at https://scienceandsociety.duke.edu/events/jd-ma-in-bioethics-science-po… The program is available to 1Ls. Applications are due October 3rd. For questions, please contact scienceandsociety@duke.edu. Sponsored by Duke Science & Society.