JD/LLM Speed Networking 2.0: U.S. & Overseas Opportunities
February 18, 2020 • 12:30 PM • Law School 3000
Are you a JD who wants to hone your foreign language skills in another country? An LLM who wants to find out about the culture of different U.S. firms? A JD who wants to know how they can escape to some far-flung island to practice? If so, then sign up for the International Law Society's second-speed networking event of the academic year. Come along and offer others advice about your experiences and/or find out what it is like to work in cities and practice areas that you are interested in. Register here: https://forms.gle/7hktANpho6BegBeM8 Registration is limited to 50 people. Lunch (Arepas) provided, courtesy of the DBA. Contact leslie.allen@law.duke.edu for more information