The New Crime of "Ecocide": Environmental Justice Efforts in Brazil
March 06, 2024 • 12:30 PM • Law School 4042
The word "ecocide" was inspired by the concept of genocide, the desire to destroy an entire human group, combining the Greek root "oikos," which means house (although it has come to refer to habitat), and the Latin "cidio," which means to kill. Although it is a relatively new and still little-discussed topic in Brazil, the Chamber of Deputies recently approved Bill 2,787/19, which amends provisions of Law 9,605/98, criminalizing the offense of ecocide. Learn more about this new crime from Brazilian legal scholar Gianpaolo Poggio Smanio. Lunch will be provided. Please RSVP here: Sponsored by ILS, ELS, and HRLS. For more information, please contact Katherine French (