SEMINAR: Future-Proofing Spectrum Regulation?
October 21, 2020 • 4:00 PM • Virtual
Please join Professor Stuart M. Benjamin, Faculty Co-Director of The Center for Innovation Policy at Duke Law, for this important seminar on "Future-Proofing Spectrum Regulation?". Prof. Benjamin is part of a team awarded a grant to study spectrum policy for the National Science Foundation's Spectrum Innovation Initiative: National Center for Wireless Spectrum Research. This seminar, supporting the grant, features Philip Marnick, Group Director, Spectrum, Ofcom, and Dean Brenner, Senior Vice President, Spectrum Strategy & Tech Policy, Qualcomm; moderated by Prof. Benjamin. The panel will discuss questions such as: In which situations is exclusive use preferable to shared use and vice-versa? Which policies might optimally encourage innovation and shared spectrum use? How spectrum policies might allow for successful adaptation to unforeseen future developments? For more information, please contact Balfour Smith at To join the seminar, visit: