Taking Stock of the CHIPS & Science Act

November 03, 2023 • 8:30 AM • See description

Please join us for a unique event at Duke on the CHIPS and Science Act of 2022, a historic law that directs $52 billion in government spending to spur computer chip manufacturing and R&D in the United States. The event will feature experts from across the country and from all over Duke, including the Deans of Fuqua, Sanford, and Pratt along with Professor Ronnie Chatterji, who led implementation of the CHIPS Act in the Biden Administration before returning to Duke this fall. Space is limited and registration is required. Register for the conference here: https://duke.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_5ASZsBdEGyQzpDo Sponsored by the Center for Innovation Policy at Duke Law and Duke Fuqua School of Business. For more information, please contact Leanna Doty at leanna.doty@law.duke.edu.