Uber Everything? The Sharing Economy and the Regulatory State
October 05, 2020 • 12:30 PM • Virtual
Will there come a day when we use Uber to deliver or rent nearly everything we use? And how do regulations impact the increasing scope of sharing services in our economy? This event features two experts on the sharing economy discussing how sharing services will expand and how the regulatory state will impact that expansion. Michael Munger, an Economics Professor at Duke and the author of Tomorrow 3.0: Transaction Costs and the Sharing Economy, will provide the economic context for the emergence of sharing services like Uber and Airbnb. Jon Riches, the Director of Litigation at the Goldwater Institute, will discuss how the regulatory state impacts the growth of sharing services. Duke Law Professor Matthew Adler will moderate discussion and Q&A. Sponsored by the Duke Law Federalist Society. Co-sponsored by the American Constitution Society, the Duke Political Science Department, the Duke Program in Law and Entrepreneurship, the Duke Law Center for Innovation Policy, the Duke Law and Economics Society, the Duke Center for Science & Technology Policy, the Duke Initiative on Science & Society, and the Duke Fuqua Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation. For more information, please contact Brendan Clemente at brendan.clemente@duke.edu.
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