Virtual Faculty Workshop with the Shanghai University of International Business and Economics (SUIBE) School of Law

April 29, 2015 • 7:30 PM • Law School 4000

Professor Steven Schwarcz will lead a joint workshop with SUIBE School of Law faculty that will discuss how corporate governance law should take into account a duty to the public to help protect against systemic risk. What is excessive risk-taking? What would a public governance duty add to other ways of protecting against systemic risk (e.g., capital and other firm-specific financial requirements, aligning managerial and investor interests [e.g., through compensation and/or contingent capital], etc.)? In that context, how would those other ways of protecting against systemic risk align the firm's interests with the public interest, and would a public governance duty help to overcome a regulatory time lag? Assuming a public governance duty can be efficient to help protect against systemic risk, how should it be implemented? Should managers be protected by a business judgment rule? Would a public governance duty more broadly represent a "stakeholder model" of corporate governance? For faculty only. Sponsored by Professor Schwarcz. For more information, please contact