When the "Helper" is the "Hurter": Sexual Misconduct & Domestic Violence by Police Officers
October 27, 2020 • 12:30 PM • Virtual
As the United States wrestles with calls to reform policing, please join us for an important conversation about sexual misconduct and domestic violence by police officers. The discussion will explore the prevalence of this issue, how conversations about this issue have evolved, and how legal remedies can work in concert with social support programs to help survivors. We will be joined by Diane Wetendorf, a lifelong domestic violence advocate, Roshna Bala Keen, a civil rights attorney who has focused on police sexual assault cases, and Professor Leigh Goodmark from University of Maryland Carey School of Law, a professor who is the co-director of the Gender Violence Clinical Law Program. This is a continuation of the Domestic Violence Awareness Month Series. Sponsored by CAGV, If/When/How, HRLS, WLSA, and WOCC. For more information, please contact Emily Ledbetter at emily.ledbetter@duke.edu. Zoom ID: https://duke.zoom.us/j/97172674841