
Liz Kuniholm '80 Helps AIDS Legal Endowment Fund Meet Goal

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Elizabeth Kuniholm ’80 made her first gift to Duke Law’s AIDS Legal Project as a memorial to a dear uncle to her nieces and nephew. The Raleigh-based attorney has since stayed connected in various ways, including through client referral to the clinical project which offers free legal assistance to low-income HIV-infected individuals.

“I think the Project is really wonderful,” said Kuniholm, offering particular praise for Director Carolyn McAllaster. “The work they do is important and comprehensive and a great place for law students to learn.” Ten students enroll each semester in the Project’s clinical course, each providing over 100 hours of direct client services in the areas of end-of-life planning, guardianship, benefits, insurance, privacy, and discrimination.

Kuniholm deepened her connection late last year with a $25,000 gift to the AIDS Legal Assistance Endowment Fund. The gift was of special significance, notes McAllaster, because it took the fund past the $100,000 amount required to earmark the Fund for the AIDS Legal Project.

“With Liz’s gift, we have exceeded our first goal for the Endowment Fund, and I’m extremely grateful to her. Liz has been an ongoing supporter of the Project. On behalf of the clients we serve, I thank her for her generosity.”

For her part, Kuniholm is glad to have been able to help.

“I’m gratified that I was able to make this gift now. It’s very exciting.”

The Endowment Fund was launched with a gift from the Fox Family Foundation, followed soon thereafter by a gift from the Hillsdale Fund.