News Archives 2006
Main Content
- Marathon run benefits Loan Assistance Repayment Program» more
Professor James Cox says an SEC proposal to give corporate managers more flexibility in assessing internal financial controls may weaken investor protection
» - The Duke Endowment donates additional $2 million for Law Library renovations » more
- Professor Jonathan Wiener elected to lead Society for Risk Analysis » more
- Professor Scott Silliman says ACLU lawsuit against Defense Secretary Rumsfeld over torture of detainees faces an uphill battle » The Christian Science Monitor
- Professor Donald Horowitz says the Bush administration should seize the opportunity to change the course in Iraq with the creation of an "undivided federal Iraq," limited regional authority, and a new agreement for distributing oil revenue among Kurds, Shiites, and Sunnis » The Wall Street Journal (subscribers)
- Professor Christopher Schroeder takes part in Annenberg Center debate on the "use and abuse" of presidential signing statements » Justice Talking
Duke trustees approve new joint degree programs
» more - Professor James Cox comments on a controversial report that recommends rolling back corporate regulation and SEC powers » Washington Post
- Professor Neil Siegel says the Supreme Court’s ruling in two cases on race-conscious school assignment plans could mark the final legacy of Brown v. Board of Education » Newsweek
- Duke Law team runs Charlotte Marathon to benefit public interest legal work Dec. 9 » more
- Duke Law Journal focuses on Hurricane Katrina for the 37th Annual Administrative Law Issue » more
- Professor Scott Silliman participates in an ABA roundtable discussion on detaining and prosecuting terrorists » C-Span
- Professor Barak Richman says the conflict diamond industry is difficult to regulate legally, responding to a new industry certification process » more
- Professors James Coleman and Mitu Gulati argue that large law firms' failure to provide mentoring and good assignments, not law school grades, help explain why minority associates are less likely to make partner than their white counterparts » The New York Times
- Professor Neil Siegel says that two cases on race-conscious school assignment plans that will come before the Supreme Court December 4 "could be the final chapter in the legacy of Brown v. Board of Education." » more
- Professor James Cox comments on the proposed merger of the NASD and the NYSE to form single regulatory body » Los Angeles Times
Professor James Boyle is called one of "the world's clearest thinkers on the impact of the internet"
» The Times - Professor Erwin Chemerinsky joins a group of top constitutional scholars asking the First Circuit to consider a challenge to the military's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy » U.S. Newswire
- Duke Law School's LL.M program offers an international perspective » South China Morning Post (.pdf)
- Professor Neil Siegel says that two cases on race-conscious school assignment plans that will come before the Supreme Court December 4 "could be the final chapter in the legacy of Brown v. Board of Education." » more
- Professors Curtis Bradley and Madeline Morris appointed to Secretary of State's Advisory Committee on International Law » more
- Duke tax experts Lawrence Zelenak and Alan Weinberg explain significance of an IRS lien filed against the property of a Durham lawyer » Herald-Sun
- Professor Scott Silliman argues that the U.S. is aggressively working to regain its status as a world leader on human rights issues » Public Radio International
- Responding to a speech on markets by new Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, Professor James Cox says that in order for markets to be attractive, they must be trustworthy » Marketplace
- John Bellinger III, legal adviser to the secretary of state, explores transatlantic differences in approach to international law and institutions » more
- Duke Law community celebrates Judge Robinson Everett’s support of LENS » more
- Charlie Rose ’68 to speak at Law School’s hooding ceremony » more
- Siegel Lecturer Carl Schneider argues that informed consent has failed » more
- Professor James Coleman petitions Gov. Mike Easley to grant clemency for death row inmate Guy LeGrande who, Coleman argued, is mentally ill » The Herald-Sun
- The Shakespeare Chronicles: Professor James Boyle pens a literary thriller » more
Lou Michels '85 discusses his challenge to the military's mandatory anthrax vaccination program November 20
» more -
Senior lecturing fellow Hans Linnartz '80 says that electorate is open to comprehensive immigration reform
» The News & Observer -
Professor Donald Horowitz appointed to Secretary of State’s Advisory Committee on Democracy Promotion
» more -
Professor Stuart Benjamin comments on the FCC's reversal of a March ruling regarding charges of indecency
» Los Angeles Times - John Bellinger III, legal advisor to the secretary of state, examines transatlantic approaches to international law and institutions Nov. 15 » more
- University of Michigan Professor Carl Schneider delivers sixth annual Siegel Lecture in Ethics Nov. 14 » more
- "Practical Politics and the Law" lecture series explores investing with a political twist Nov. 13 » more
- USC Law Professor Mary Dudziak presents the Duke Law Journal’s Fall Lecture, “Working Toward Democracy: Thurgood Marshall and the Constitution of Kenya,” Nov. 10 » more
- Professors Robinson Everett and Scott Silliman discuss the recall to active duty of a retired soldier for possible court martial » The News & Observer
Professor James Cox says that last year's decline in SEC enforcement cases is directly related to budget cuts in the Commission’s enforcement arm
» The Washington Post - Duke community mourns loss of Maja Kolb '07 » more
Former Fed Chair Paul Volcker and colleagues discuss their investigation of the U.N. Oil-for-Food Program
» The Chronicle -
Professor Neil Vidmar, principal author of an amicus brief in Philip Morris USA v. Mayola Williams, says juries behave rationally when making punitive damage awards
» more - Professor James Cox criticizes proposals to scale back provisions of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, calling them unnecessary and "an escalation of the culture war against regulation" » The New York Times
- Professor Suli Zhu, dean of Peking University School of Law, delivers fifth annual Bernstein Lecture in International and Comparative Law Nov. 2 » more
Associate Dean for Public Interest and Pro Bono Carol Spruill makes it her mission to educate law students to help those who are truly in need
» Washington Daily News - Professor Scott Silliman calls the increasing criticism made by military members a relatively new phenomenon resulting from an increasingly unpopular war » ABC News
- Join Professor Erwin Chemerinsky for a conversation with Dean Bartlett about leadership, legal education, and her scholarship and influences » more
- Duke Law School celebrates sixth annual International Week » schedule (.pdf)
Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum fall symposium focuses on children's environmental health Oct. 27
» more - Duke's Center for International and Comparative Law presents "International Programs and the Law: Investigating the United Nations Oil-for-Food Program," featuring Paul Volcker, Oct. 27 » more
- Professor Erwin Chemerinsky calls for federal judges to "stand up to Congress and the president" and declare unconstitutional key provisions of the Military Justice Act of 2006 » San Diego Union Tribune
- Professor James Cox says that an unusual jump in trades of Harrah’s Entertainment Inc. stock could signal insider trading »
- Professor James Coleman comments on the conduct of the district attorney in the Duke lacrosse case » The New York Times
- Professor Erwin Chemerinsky comments on the Supreme Court’s refusal to hear a case in which Boy Scouts were denied the use of a public marina because of the Scouts' ban on atheists and gays » The Washington Post
Professor Justin Hughes of Cardozo Law School delivers the "Information Ecology" Fall 2006 lecture Oct. 23
» more - Rockingham County v. Luten Bridge Co.: Professor Barak Richman finds a wealth of North Carolina history in a classic contracts case » WUNC
- Makeup, Identity Performance & Discrimination: Duke hosts groundbreaking symposium on workplace appearance standards Oct. 20 » more
- Senior Lecturing Fellow Kathryn Bradley discusses the rights of unwed fathers in adoptions » The News & Observer
- Peter Galbraith, author of The End of Iraq, speaks at Duke Law School Oct. 18 » more
- Professor James Cox says that allegations that Hewlett-Packard Chairman Patricia Dunn spied on HP directors and journalists will spark calls for tighter privacy laws » The Sunday Times
- Community Enterprise Clinic conference educates non-profit managers about social enterprise options and strategies » more
- Duke Law Leadership Retreat focuses on professional development » more
- Professor Catherine Fisk comments on a National Labor Relations Board ruling that says nurses running hospital shifts are management employees and ineligible for union membership » The Plain Dealer
- Associate Dean Carol Spruill wins Duke's Diversity Award » more
- Dean Kenneth Starr '73 praises Chief Justice John Roberts and speaks of key cases on the Supreme Court's docket as part of the Law School's "Practical Politics and the Law" series » Herald Sun
- Congress' approval of the new detainee legislation does not guarantee that it “will pass constitutional muster before the Supreme Court,” says Professor Scott Silliman » The Boston Globe
- Professor Walter Dellinger comments on the Supreme Court’s new term » The Christian Science Monitor
Professor Erwin Chemerinsky says The Public Expression of Religion Act recently passed by the House of Representatives is meant to prevent challenges to unconstitutional government actions advancing religion
» Washington Post - Professor James Boyle writes about his interest in the much-hyped arrival of the "long tail" economy » Financial Times
- Duke's Center for International and Comparative Law hosts panel discussion on patents, international trade agreements, and access to essential medicines in developing countries » more
- Professor Erwin Chemerinsky named University Scholar/Teacher of the Year » more
- Dean Kenneth Starr '73 will speak on his experiences at the intersection of law and politics on October 2, as part of the Law School's "Practical Politics and the Law" series » more
- Professor James Cox testifies before the Senate Judiciary Committee September 26 on the issue of insider trading » more
Duke law professors discuss compromise on detainee legislation reached between the White House and Senate Republicans in light of the Supreme Court's Hamdan v. Rumsfeld decision
- Professor Neil Siegel in » The News & Observer
- Professor Scott Silliman on » Morning Edition
- Professor Walter Dellinger on » Weekend Edition
- Professor Christopher Schroeder comments on the tension between individual rights and national security in times of external threat » Herald-Sun
- Professor Erwin Chemerinsky calls for Congress to adopt laws to protect reporters who keep their sources confidential » Orlando Sentinel
Professor James Cox calls a retired judge's prompt to dismiss the CEO of Bristol-Myers Squib "a new standard" for independent corporate monitors
» The New York Times - Dean Katharine T. Bartlett to receive Equal Justice Works award for nurturing an outstanding spirit of public service at Duke Law School » more
- Professor Richard Schmalbeck comments on GlaxoSmithKline's record $3.1 billion settlement with the IRS » The News & Observer
Professor James Cox says a change in leadership at Bristol-Meyers shows that prosecutors are willing to put the pressure on companies engaged in wrongdoing
» Washington Post -
Duke law faculty comment on the president's plan for trying terrorism suspects:
- Professor Madeline Morris in » Durham Herald-Sun
- Professor Scott Silliman on » Talk of the Nation
- Professor Erwin Chemerinsky » The Star-Ledger
- In an essay in the German weekly, Die Zeit, Professor Jedediah Purdy reflects on Sept. 11 and its impact on foreign policy » more
- The Program in Public Law presents "Constitution Day: The Constitution and the War on Terror," September 18 » more
- Professor Walter Dellinger joins former top U.S. Justice Department officials in a letter to the Bush administration urging the revision of its corporate fraud policy aimed at compelling cooperation from potential defendants »
- Professor Ralf Michaels questions the genuineness of Albert Gonzales' recent request for a review of anti-terror law » The News & Observer
- Faculty panel previews new Supreme Court term » more
Professor Jim Cox comments on Prudential Financial Inc.'s $600 million settlement to the SEC, one of the last arising from the 2003 mutual fund scandal
» Washington Post - The president's bill on military commissions still violates the Constitution, says Professor Madeline Morris, director of the Guantanamo Defense Clinic » more
- Professor Arti Rai comments on the iPod lawsuit settlement » NPR
- Program in Public Law panel considers presidential signing statements » more
- Professor James Coleman addresses issue of diversity in law school admissions, saying that lawyers should reflect the population » Contra Costa Times
- Dean Katharine Bartlett delivers convocation address to Duke graduate and professional students » more
- Professor Scott Silliman comments on the conviction of former CIA contractor David Passaro » Washington Post
Faculty discuss new Supreme Court term, August 28
» more - Professor Erwin Chemerinsky lauds Judge Ann Digg's Taylor's injunction against domestic warrantless surveillance »
- Professor Jim Cox calls "stunning" allegations that a tech company's executives created fictitious employees to manipulate stock options » Los Angeles Times
- LEAD Week: Duke Law Welcomes the Class of 2009
- Professor James Boyle challenges society's bias against open systems, open networks, and non-proprietary production » Financial Times
- Professor Scott Silliman comments on the increasing number of law students interested in national security related issues » The New York Observer
- The Program in Public Law launches academic year with Aug. 21 panel on presidential signing statements » more
- Duke Law Annual Fund sets fund-raising record » more
- Professor Scott Silliman discusses former CIA contractor David Passaro » NPR
- Duke Law hosts August 11 meeting of North Carolina Equal Access to Justice Commission » more
Duke Law Professors respond to ABA Task Force report on signing statements:
- Professor Curtis Bradley » Boston Globe
- Professor Walter Dellinger » The New York Times
- Professors Christopher Schroeder and Walter Dellinger join response of OLC veterans » More
- Duke Law students fight for the rights of suspected terrorists through the Guantanamo Defense Clinic, headed by Professor Madeline Morris » Duke Magazine
Professor Doriane Coleman comments on the World Anti-Doping Agency’s consideration of whether to include "altitude rooms" on its list of of prohibited methods
» The New York Times
» Center for Sports Law & Policy Position Paper (pdf) - Professor Jedediah Purdy takes part in on-air discussion of whether and when law should lead social change or follow social custom » WUNC
- Professor Erwin Chemerinsky discusses his cases and career in "Tar Heel of the Week" profile » The News & Observer
- The shift from analog to digital signals in broadcasting will have broad effects, says Professor Stuart Benjamin »
- Professor Sara Beale comments on how convening a new grand jury to investigate charges of steroid abuse against Barry Bonds might benefit the prosecution's case » San Francisco Chronicle
- Professor Madeline Morris testifies before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee regarding the ratification of the U.S. - U.K. extradition treaty » More
- Professor Scott Silliman testifies before the Senate Armed Services Committee on Hamdan v. Rumsfeld and how Congress should respond to the ruling » More
- Professor William Reppy weighs in on the issue of pets as property » St. Petersburg Times
- Professor Neil Vidmar discusses tort reform proposals currently before Congress, among them the establishment of medical courts » WUNC
- Professor Jedediah Purdy discusses the intersection of two trends: declining birth rates and the retirement of the baby boomer generation » WUNC
- Professor James Cox says indictments could come soon in investigation of stock-options scandal » San Francisco Chronicle
- Professor Erwin Chemerinsky comments on the clarity of Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts’ writing as demonstrated by his first-term opinions » The New York Times
- Professor Scott Silliman testifies before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Hamdan v. Rumsfeld and options for trying Guantanamo detainees » More
Professor James Cox says that in order for analysts to determine whether the markets have overreacted to the stock-options scandal, they will need to go beyond identifying which company will be investigated next
» Bloomberg News - Duke Law Professors comment on the implications of the Supreme Court's ruling on Guantanamo military commissions » Special Feature
- Professor Scott Silliman advocates the use of courts-martial for trying Guantanamo detainees » The News & Observer
- Assistant Professor of Law and Political Science Neil Siegel also comments on Justice Kennedy's new prominence » Washington Post
- Professor Francis McGovern says that the low number of lawsuits filed against Merck’s Fosamax is evidence that trial lawyers have become more cautious about the number and quality of cases they take on » Los Angeles Times
- Professor Erwin Chemerinsky comments on the new prominence of Justice Anthony Kennedy as the Supreme Court's "swing" voter, and the records of new justices Roberts and Alito in their inaugural term » San Francisco Chronicle
- Professor Walter Dellinger has a Supreme Court conversation at "The Breakfast Table" »
- Professor James Cox testifies before Congressional subcommittee considering reforms for the conduct of securities class actions » Congressional Testimony
At a Senate committee hearing, Professor Neil Vidmar criticized a bill that would move medical malpractice claims into special health courts and impose damage caps in liability suits
» Durham Herald-Sun
» Senate Testimony - Judge Robinson O. Everett is inducted into the North Carolina Bar Association's Hall of Fame » More
- Professor Erwin Chemerinsky says that closing the Guantanamo detention center should not mean “that detainees get even less in the way of procedural protection” » The Boston Globe
- In the newly released "Law and Class in America," edited by Professors Paul Carrington and Trina Jones, leading legal scholars reflect on whether recent legal reforms are exacerbating class differences in this country » More
- Professor James Boyle cautions that the new Internet Safety Act, which is intended to curb child pornography on the Internet, could also limit content that is not pornographic » New York Times
- Professor Jedediah Purdy's essay, "The New Biopolitics" launches new journal » Democracy
- Scott Silliman says that America's failure to charge Guantanamo detainees has made other countries reluctant to incarcerate them, should the prison be closed » New York Times
- Clinical Professor Carolyn McAllaster weighs in on the legal implications of “bug chasing,” a phenomenon among a subculture of gay men who actively seek to contract HIV » asap
- Professor Barak Richman receives 2006-2007 Provost Common Fund Award, an interdisciplinary research grant » more
- Professor Joost Pauwelyn receives 2005 Paul Guggenheim Prize » more
- Professor Professor James Boyle cautions that the new Internet Safety Act, which is intended to curb child pornography on the Internet, could also limit content that is not pornographic » New York Times
- Professor Jedediah Purdy's essay, "The New Biopolitics" launches new journal » Democracy
- Scott Silliman says that America's failure to charge Guantanamo detainees has made other countries reluctant to incarcerate them, should the prison be closed » New York Times
- Professor James Boyle warns against the WIPO's proposal to extend intellectual property rights for broadcasters and to webcasting, saying the focus should be on "rules of conduct, not rights over content" » Financial Times
- Professor James Cox says that though gains from the 2003 mutual fund scandal were more significant; option backdating has done more to "erode public confidence" » Newsday
- Recent suicides of three Guantanamo detainees may endanger U.S. alliances in the war on terror, says Professor Scott Silliman »
- Professor Neil Siegel cautions against amendments to the Constitution that "narrow its promises of liberty and equality" » The News & Observer
- Duke Law staffers honored with Duke Blueprint awards
- Professor Scott Silliman, executive director of the Center on Law, Ethics and National Security, tells The Washington Post that direct comparisons between Vietnam's My Lai and civilian killings in Haditha, Iraq are misinformed
- Writing in the Durham Herald-Sun, Alston & Bird Professor of Law and Political Science Erwin Chemerinsky says that by denying free speech protection to government whistleblowers, the Supreme Court has also denied “the right of people to know”
- Brainerd Currie Professor of Law James Cox tells The News & Observer that it would be irresponsible for Durham officials to approve a deal with Rice Financial Products Co., a company embroiled in a California bribery scandal
- On NPR's "Morning Edition," Dean and A. Kenneth Pye Professor of Law Katharine Bartlett comments on how judges are handling requests by divorced parents to relocate with children when the other parent objects
- On CNN's "Live Today," Professor and Director of the Center on Law, Ethics and National Security Scott Silliman discusses the military’s investigation into the deaths of civilians in Haditha, Iraq (transcript)
- Brainerd Currie Professor of Law James Cox tells Bloomberg that the recent investigation of U.S. companies suspected of backdating stock options is the "biggest pervasive financial scandal in capital markets" since the 2003 mutual-fund scandal
- On NPR's "On the Media," William Neal Reynolds Professor of Law James Boyle argues that copyright holders have ushered in a "permissions culture"' that ignores the laws governing fair use
- Alston & Bird Professor of Law and Political Science Erwin Chemerinsky tells The News & Observer that a bill requiring students enrolling in any of North Carolina's 16 public universities to get fingerprinted is "likely to face opposition"
- WUNC highlights Duke Law's Animal Law Clinic
- DELPF symposium yields practical design principles for regional eco-system based ocean management (.pdf)
- Professor Stuart Benjamin comments on the legal and strategic considerations telecommunications companies must weigh when deciding whether to comply with federal government requests for consumer data on NPR's "All Things Considered"
- Professor and Executive Director of the Center on Law, Ethics and National Security Scott Silliman discusses on NPR's "Morning Edition" the government’s claim to state secrets privilege in a case brought by a German citizen who alleges he was abducted in Europe
- Class of 2006: Celebrating Community and Leadership
- Writing in The Charlotte Observer, Alston & Bird Professor of Law and Political Science Erwin Chemerinsky warns of the threat unilateral actions by the Bush administration pose to individual liberties
- Children's Education Law Clinic defends constitutional rights of students to take part in immigration protests
- Professors David Lange and Laura Underkuffler receive distinguished professorships
- William Neal Reynolds Professor of Law James Boyle comments in The New York Times on whether viewers who skip television commercials violate an implicit contract between broadcaster and viewer
- Writing in The Los Angeles Times with two other legal experts, Alston & Bird Professor of Law Erwin Chemerinsky discusses the state of Los Angeles Police Department reform
- Duke Law team places in top ten and wins “Best Brief” at ELSA Moot Court Competition on WTO Law
- Ian Millhiser ’06 to receive 2006 Burton Award for Legal Achievement
- Two Duke faculty committees, including one headed by Professor James Coleman Jr., release reports on the men's lacrosse team behavior and student judicial policies and practices
- Alston & Bird Professor of Law and Political Science Erwin Chemerinsky discusses the legal implications of single-faith prison programs in The Washington Post
- Katharine Bartlett announces she will step down as dean, effective June 30, 2007
- Duke Law scholars are featured guests on WUNC's "The State of Things":
- Jesse-Galen Beardsworth ’06 receives Fulbright-Garcia Robles Grant
- 2006 class gift will double, thanks to a group of Duke Law donors
- Brandon Neal '08 wins 2006 Hardt Cup Moot Court Competition
- Professor James Boyle receives DBA Distinguished Teaching Award
- Duke President Richard Brodhead comments on indictments in lacrosse case
- Professor James Coleman leads internal investigation of lacrosse team conduct
- Commenting to The Christian Science Monitor on the trial of Zacarias Moussaoui, Charles Lowndes Professor of Law Sara Beale says that it is unclear how significant a role a defendant has to play in a crime to justify a death sentence
- The Washington Post profiles Assistant Professor Jedediah Purdy
- The Center on Law, Ethics, and National Security and the Program in Public Law co-sponsor conference on "U.S. National Security Strategy: Finding the Right Balance," April 20-21
- Duke Law professors lead University's review of issues stemming from allegations of sexual assault against members of lacrosse team
- Professor Paul Haagen discusses faculty review of disciplinary procedures
- Harry R. Chadwick Sr. Professor of Law Robert Mosteller comments to The New York Times on a trend toward increased disclosure of evidence between prosecutors and defense attorneys in criminal cases
- Duke Journal of Constitutional Law & Public Policy publishes its inaugural issue
The journal of Law and Contemporary Problems hosts
April 7 conference on animal law - A recent empirical study by Professor James Salzman finds that the practice of "wetland mitigation banking" leads to loss of urban services
- Program in Public Law sponsors March 30 talk by Duke alumnus Eric Rothschild, one of the lawyers who successfully challenged the inclusion of intelligent design in the Dover, Pa., schools' science curriculum
- Professor Scott Silliman tells Forbes that should the Supreme Court reject the president's plan to convene military trials for suspected terrorist Salim Ahmed Hamdan, the limit could affect other areas of presidential authority
- Duke Law team selected to participate in ELSA Moot Court Competition on WTO Law
- Brainerd Currie Professor of Law James Cox tells The News & Observer that Durham officials should be wary of doing business with a California financial company involved in a bribery scandal
- Writing in The Environmental Forum, Perkins Professor of Law and Environmental Policy Jonathan Wiener says that in comparing U.S. and EU approaches to environmental protection, the interesting question is not who is 'ahead', but why they sometimes select different risks to worry about most
- In the Washington Post, Harry R. Chadwick Sr. Professor of Law Robert Mosteller comments on the ethical implications of coaching witnesses in the Zacarias Moussaoui trial
- Writing in The Wall Street Journal, James B. Duke Professor of Law and Political Science Donald Horowitz cautions that the current Iraqi political stalemate, which is impeding formation of an inclusive government, may help fuel sectarian violence in Iraq
- Duke Law Journal hosts 36th Annual Administrative Law Conference, "Administrative Law and Emergency Management: Katrina and Beyond," March 24
- Professor James Coleman, who chairs the ABA's "Death Penalty Project," explains the ABA's call for a death penalty moratorium in certain states on NPR's "Weekend Edition"
- Professor Arti Rai tells Minnesota Public Radio's "Marketplace" that a new patent case before the Supreme Court will raise the question of whether abstract ideas can be patented
- Term limits for Supreme Court justices discussed in Reforming the Court, co-edited by Professor Paul Carrington
- Alston & Bird Professor of Law and Political Science Erwin Chemerinsky reacts to South Dakota abortion ban at
- Charles S. Murphy Professor of Law and Public Policy Studies Christopher Schroeder and Professor Scott Silliman, executive director of the Center on Law, Ethics and National Security take part in Duke panel on "Iraq, torture, and domestic spying: What's the right strategy in the war on terrorism?"
- William Neal Reynolds Professor of Law James Boyle's groundbreaking book, Shamans, Software, and Spleens, inspires Stanford Law School symposium
- AIDS Legal Project co-sponsors March 10th town hall meeting on "Medicare Part D and its Impact on the HIV Community"
- 10th Annual PILF Auction & Gala raises record amount for summer public interest fellowships
- Duke Law and Technology Review's iBlawg provides forum for cutting-edge discussion of latest developments in technology law
- Writing in the Financial Times, William Neal Reynolds Professor of Law James Boyle measures the progress of the cultural environmentalist movement
- Papers from Program in Public Law spring workshop on "Delegating Sovereignty: Constitutional and Political Perspectives" available online
- On March 2, Duke Law Professors Christopher Schroeder and Scott Silliman take part in Sanford Institute panel on "Iraq, torture and domestic spying: What's the right strategy in the war on terrorism?"
- Professor Scott Silliman, Executive Director of the Center on Law, Ethics, and National Security, reacts to new photos of prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib prison
- Writing in the Los Angeles Times, Alston & Bird Professor Erwin Chemerinsky says that the L.A. Police Commission's decision to conceal the identity of officers involved in shootings undermines police accountability
- Brainerd Currie Professor Jim Cox tells The Washington Post that the New York Stock Exchange is losing ground to its electronic rivals
- Professor Scott Silliman, Executive Director of the Center on Law, Ethics, and National Security, discusses private contractors and the CIA on WUNC's "The State of Things"
Professor James Coleman leads development of Duke's tough new drug testing policy for student athletes
» view policy - The Intellectual Property & Cyberlaw Society hosts 5th Annual 'Hot Topics' Symposium February 17
- Richard and Marcy Horvitz Professor of Law Curtis Bradley tells the Durham Herald-Sun that the president's post-9/11 surveillance practices may be unconstitutional
- Duke Law team wins National Moot Court Competition
- Duke Law School honors late Professor Jerome Culp with February 13 panel on "Reflections on the Pursuit of Racial Justice."
- Pulitzer Prize winning Supreme Court correspondent Linda Greenhouse takes part in the Program in Public Law’s "Great Lives in the Law" series February 13
- Duke Law's Innocence Project instrumental in police's re-investigation of the near-fatal beating of a Winston-Salem woman » The Case
- Richard and Marcy Horvitz Professor of Law Curtis Bradley tells NPR that administration officials have taken his work out of context in citing it in support of wireless domestic surveillance
- Former Russian Prime Minister Yegor Gaidar delivers lecture on "Policy in Petroleum-Dependent Economies" Monday, February 6
- Alston & Bird Professor of Law and Political Science Erwin Chemerinsky tells The New York Times that Justice Alito could have the decisive vote in important cases before the Court this term
- Writing in Durham Herald-Sun, Alston & Bird Professor of Law and Political Science Erwin Chemerinsky urges Senate democrats to filibuster the confirmation of Judge Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court
- Professor of the Practice of Law James E. Coleman Jr. takes part in debate on affirmative action as equal opportunity or unfair advantage
- Durham Herald-Sun covers Duke Law panel discussion on private military contractors and the law of war
- Richard and Marcy Horvitz Professor of Law Curtis Bradley and Douglas B. Maggs Professor of Law Walter Dellinger, along with 12 other prominent constitutional experts, write an open letter to Congress challenging the president's position on warrantless surveillance
- Registration opens for Legal Strategy for Young Lawyers, a CLE program for Duke Law alumni '95-'05 - March 8-10
- Registration opens for the Global Capital Market Center's 2006 Directors' Education Institute, March 15-17
- The International Law Society and the Human Rights Initiative hosts panel discussion on “Private Military Contractors and the Law of War” Monday, January 23
- Professor of Economics Koleman Strumpf of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill delivers "The Information Ecology" Spring 2006 lecture Monday, January 23
- Duke Law celebrates legacy of Martin Luther King Jr., January 13-22
- Alexander Capron, director of ethics, trade, human rights, and health law at the World Health Organization, delivers fifth annual Rabbi Seymour Siegel Lecture in Ethics on January 19
- Alexander Capron, director of ethics, trade, human rights, and health law at the World Health Organization, delivers fifth annual Rabbi Seymour Siegel Lecture in Ethics on January 19
- On January 17 the Federalist Society presents a lunchtime talk by Brigham Young University Professor Lynn Wardle '74 on the role of Roe v. Wade in the confirmation hearings for Judge Samuel Alito
- Professors Erwin Chemerinsky and Neil Siegel comment on Alito nomination
- The AIDS Legal Project, headed by Clinical Professor Carolyn McAllaster, turns 10
- Danish Ambassador Friis Arne Peterson speaks at the Law School on January 12, offering a European perspective on the terrorist threat and the war in Iraq
- Writing in The Philadelphia Inquirer, Alston & Bird Professor of Law Erwin Chemerinsky challenges the Bush administration's contention that national security justifies violations of civil liberties
- Professor Madeline Morris, director of the Guantanamo Defense Clinic and adviser to the chief defense counsel for the military commissions at Guantanamo Bay, comments to The Washington Post on the administration's move to have all detainee habeas corpus petitions dismissed
- Professor Neil Siegel discusses Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito's record on NPR's "Talk of the Nation"