
Publisher Inspection or Review Copies

Main Content

Many textbook publishers will make complimentary inspection or review copies available to instructors who are considering adoption for a course. Each publisher's policy differs with regard to the format, duration, and even cost of an inspection copy, and complimentary access may depend on whether or not the text is ultimately adopted.

This guide provides quick access to the policies and catalogs of major legal publishers for the convenience of faculty members who are investigating the request of inspection copies. Please note that publishers generally require the individual professor or instructor to submit the request directly; in some cases, your academic assistant may be able to request items on your behalf.

Aspen Publishing (Wolters Kluwer Legal Education)

  • Catalog (Law School)
  • Policy: Order through "Professor Review Copy" button on individual title pages. Electronic review copy until book is formally adopted; print copy available after adoption.


  • Catalog
  • Policy: Examination copies are invoiced at discount; desk copies are free if adopted and bookstore has ordered at least 10 copies.

Cambridge University Press

  • Catalog
  • Policy: Request via "examination copy" link in catalog, where available.

Carolina Academic Press

  • Catalog (Law)
  • Policy: Access "Comp copy" request links through individual title pages in catalog. Available to professors for adoption consideration who have not previously received copies.

Lexis/Matthew Bender

Oxford University Press

  • Catalog (Law)
  • Policy: Titles eligible for exam copies will include a link in their catalog page. Click "Instructor Inspection Copy Request" link to make a request.

Routledge/Taylor & Francis

  • Catalog
  • Policy: E-inspection copies available for up to three titles per course at a time through VitalSource platform for instructors who register with system.

West Academic (Foundation Press)

  • Catalog
  • Policy: Review copies available in digital or physical format.

West (Thomson Reuters Legal)

  • Catalog
  • Policy: Complimentary review copies of texts are (typically) available to professors who have not received previous copies and wish to consider course adoption or recommendation to students.

W.S. Hein & Co.

  • Catalog
  • Policy: 30-day free digital access to the online legal bookstore to review requested title.


Other Access

Electronic Access

  • The Law Library maintains electronic access to thousands of e-books, accessible via the online catalog. Note that many publishers exclude textbooks from their institutional e-book packages, in favor of direct individual sales or rentals.

Unlisted Publishers

  • To locate inspection or review copy policies at publishers not listed here, conduct a search of the publisher's website for the terms inspection copy, desk copy, and/or review copy. If you cannot locate the policy for a particular publisher, Ask a Librarian for assistance.

Duke Textbook Store

  • For assistance with ordering textbook copies for your course, contact the Duke Textbook Store.


Updated 7/9/2024 jlb