The Law Library is open to the public. Please see our library home page for current hours and restrictions. If you need access to archival, rare, or media materials onsite, please contact a reference librarian in advance of your visit as some materials are stored offsite.
Policy on Legal Reference and Legal Advice
Reference librarians help you use the library and its collections, but they cannot do legal research for you. Librarians locate information, identify relevant resources, develop search strategies for catalogs, databases, the web and indexes and provide assistance in legal research methodology. The reference staff cannot provide substantive advice on a legal problem, interpret legal materials for you, or explain how the law applies to your particular case.
Computer Use
Computer and network use in the Goodson Law Library is subject to Duke University's Acceptable Use Policy. The Law School and Goodson Law Library provide complete wireless capability. Twelve computer terminals in the Reading Room, as well as one stand-up terminal on each floor, are available for the use of all visitors during public access hours. Library computers require a NetID login; visitors should ask for a one-day login and password at the Library Service Desk, that may be used at any public computer in the Law Library. Patrons can log out and log back in later the same day, but work will not be saved.
Print cards are available for purchase outside of the library in the vending area on the second floor of the Law School.
Friends of the Duke University Libraries
Members of the public who are not otherwise eligible for borrowing privileges through Duke or TRLN libraries may check out Law Library materials by joining the Friends of the Duke University Libraries (application may be submitted online or through a form at the Law Library Circulation/Reserve desk). Making a gift of $100 entitles "Friends" to obtain a borrowing card and have borrowing privileges at most Duke University libraries, including the Goodson Law library. Up to 10 books total at a time may be checked out from all libraries. Note that we are unable to offer interlibrary loan services to Friends of the Duke University Libraries.
Directions to the Law Library
For driving directions to the Law School and parking information, see Visiting Duke Law.