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Information on course reserves and textbook options

Course Reserve

The Library provides a course reserve collection to help students with immediate needs for required books. The course reserve collection is not intended to replace students individual purchases of course texts. As such, the following rules apply to this collection:

  • Loan periods are four hours.
  • Course reserve books may not be held or requested in advance.
  • Fines of $1.00 will accrue for each hour the book is overdue.
  • If you check out a course reserve book within four hours of the circulation desk's closing time, the book will be due the next morning by the time the desk opens.
  • Because textbooks will be on reserve at other libraries, we will not process interlibrary loan requests for course reserve titles.
  • The Library does not provide scans of course reserve books. Students may make scans using library scanners.
  • We are unable to fulfill rush requests.

The Library does not purchase supplements because their contents change frequently and are generally available through other sources already available from the Library. If you need assistance locating a statute or rule referenced in a supplement, please contact the Reference Desk.

Textbook Purchases

Most required texts are available for purchase from the Duke University Bookstore. If the Bookstore is out of copies, there are alternatives:

  • Electronic access: many publishers and resellers offer ebooks either for purchase or rental, and some offer discounts to Duke Law students.
  • Temporary electronic access: some publishers provide temporary electronic access with proof of purchase. Students can contact the publishers directly.
  • Library access: while the library does not provide electronic access to casebooks or textbooks, we may have electronic access to other types of books. For example, the library has electronic access to many Oxford University Press titles. Search the Library Catalog to determine whether we provide online access.