Duke Law Wellness
Duke Law Wellness is an ongoing series of events focused on promoting overall health and wellness for students to encourage personal and academic success throughout their time in law school and in their legal careers.
We will be adding weekly events to this page throughout the year.
Upcoming Events
Tuesday, March 18, 2025
• Law School Star Commons
Was spring break not as long as you had hoped? Take an extra spring break and join the Office of Student Affairs for conversation and snow cones! This is a great opportunity to meet new people. Sponsored by the Office of Student Affairs. For more information, please contact Sally Johnson at sally.johnson@law.duke.edu
Thursday, March 20, 2025
• See description
Join us at the Law School Sign out front for Run Club's weekly Thursday evening run. Pace groups will be led at 9:00 minutes/mile and 11:00 minutes/mile, but do whatever is comfortable for you. See you there! Sponsored by Duke Law Run Club. For more information, please contact Rosa Gibson at rosa.gibson@duke.edu.
Sunday, March 23, 2025
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If you're in the library, we hope you'll take a quick break and join WLSA for a HGW (hot girl walk) to Beyu Coffee (located by Broadhead), and enjoy a coffee, tea or hot chocolate on WLSA! We'll meet outside of Star Commons to start the walk at 1pm. If you plan to attend, please register here: https://forms.gle/U3YsG1KgFhCJFfrP9. Sponsored by WLSA. For more information, please contact Casey Byrne at casey.byrne@duke.edu.
Thursday, March 27, 2025
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Join us at the Law School Sign out front for Run Club's weekly Thursday evening run. Pace groups will be led at 9:00 minutes/mile and 11:00 minutes/mile, but do whatever is comfortable for you. See you there! Sponsored by Duke Law Run Club. For more information, please contact Rosa Gibson at rosa.gibson@duke.edu.
Saturday, March 29, 2025
• See description
Join WLSA for a heated Sculpt Yoga class at Virge Yoga (200 Morris St, Suite 140). Signup list will be circulated via the WLSA newsletter. Sponsored by WLSA. Please reach out to Arielle Roos (arielle.roos@duke.edu) or Christina Moss (christina.moss@duke.edu) with any questions.
Monday, April 07, 2025
• Law School Star Commons
NC Lawyer Assistance volunteers will be at the law school to speak with students about services NCLAP provides, navigating stress during and after law school, character and fitness issues, and other wellness concerns you may have. If you would like to schedule time to speak 1:1 with an NCLAP volunteer, you can contact Candace Hoffman at candace@nclap.org. Sponsored by the Office of Student Affairs and NCLAP. For more information, please contact Sally Johnson at sally.johnson@law.duke.edu.
Past Events
• Law School Blue Lounge
Flu shots will be available from 1:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. They are free to anyone with a Duke ID and are provided on a first-come, first-served basis. Sponsored by the Office of Student Affairs. For more information, please contact Rachel Mwombela at rachel.mwombela@duke.edu.
• See description
Join DBA Wellness for a heated yoga class at Midtown Yoga with our very own Natalie Juo! All levels are welcome and yoga mats will be provided. Come flow with us to relieve stress and build resilience as we settle into the new school year. Spots limited, sign up required: https://forms.gle/A7KNWDd4GUYPbhB37. Sponsored by DBA. Contact DBA Wellness Chair Cassie Shapiro at cassidy.shapiro@duke.edu with any questions.
• Law School Blue Lounge
Take a break from studying for exams with a relaxing chair massage! Sign up for a time slot in the Office of Student Affairs, Room 2007. Sponsored by the Office of Student Affairs. Contact Rachel Mwombela at rachel.mwombela@duke.edu for more information.
• Law School Blue Lounge
Take a break from studying for exams with a relaxing chair massage! Sign up for a time slot in the Office of Student Affairs, Room 2007. Sponsored by the Office of Student Affairs. Contact Rachel Mwombela at rachel.mwombela@duke.edu for more information.
• Law School Blue Lounge
Take a break from studying for exams with a relaxing chair massage! Sign up for a time slot in the Office of Student Affairs, Room 2007. Sponsored by the Office of Student Affairs. Contact Rachel Mwombela at rachel.mwombela@duke.edu for more information.
• Law School Blue Lounge
Take a break from studying for exams with a relaxing chair massage! Sign up for a time slot in the Office of Student Affairs, Room 2007. Sponsored by the Office of Student Affairs. Contact Rachel Mwombela at rachel.mwombela@duke.edu for more information.
• Law School Beber Sculpture Garden
Come meet the puppies from the Duke Canine Cognition Center's puppy kindergarten. Sponsored by the Office of Student Affairs. For more information, please contact Rachel Mwombela at rachel.mwombela@duke.edu. (If inclement weather, the event will be held in the Blue Lounge.)
• Law School 4055
One of the cruelest voices we hear can be the one that is in our own heads. Despite often hearing that we should be hard on ourselves to succeed, research shows that self-criticism prevents us from overcoming setbacks and achieving our goals. This session will demonstrate robust evidence for, and opportunities to practice, a different internal voice - one of self-compassion. Presented by Dr. Carrie Adair, Assistant Director of Research at the Duke Center for Healthcare Safety and Quality and sponsored by the Office of Student Affairs. Contact Rachel Mwombela at rachel.mwombela@duke.edu for more information. Register here: https://duke.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_77mHQnBGCO0KlcG
• Law School Blue Lounge
Take a break from studying to get creative! Join your classmates and a local artist for a step-by-step painting tutorial. Registration is required and space is limited. Please register here: https://duke.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_d4fTiYCQbvyU2ge Sponsored by the Office of Student Affairs. For more information, contact Rachel Mwombela at rachel.mwombela@duke.edu.
• Law School 4055
QPR stands for Question, Persuade, and Refer - the 3 simple steps anyone can learn to help save a life from suicide. Just as people trained in CPR and the Heimlich Maneuver help save thousands of lives each year, people trained in QPR learn how to recognize the warning signs of a crisis and how to question, persuade, and refer someone to help. Space is limited and registration is required: https://duke.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6QIrC9lXrERVBfU. This program is presented by Duke Counseling and Psychological Services and sponsored by the Office of Student Affairs. For more information, contact Rachel Mwombela at rachel.mwombela@duke.edu.
• Law School Blue Lounge
Take a break from studying to get creative! Join your classmates and a local artist for a step by step painting tutorial. Design your very own canvas and make memories that will last for years to come. Spaces is limited. RSVP: https://duke.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_24y5VAB9Xa8kTae. Sponsored by the Office of Student Affairs. For more information, please contact Student Affairs at student_affairs@law.duke.edu.
• Law School 3171
Interested in learning new skills to help you manage your stress? Join a 4 session Koru Mindfulness course that will teach you the skill of mindfulness. Mindfulness develops self-awareness that informs all of your important life choices and helps maintain peace of mind - among other benefits! The course will help you build the habit of using mindfulness in your life on a regular basis, with just 10 minutes per day. We've found that folks get a lot more out of Koru if they stick with it from beginning to end, therefore we ask you to commit to attend all 4 sessions. The course will meet in person on Tuesdays (October 25, November 1, November 8, & November 15) and will be led by certified Koru instructor, Kelli Raker (Academic Affairs). Open to students, faculty, and staff from across Duke University. If you would like to sign up to attend or for more information, please email Kelli Raker at kelli.raker@law.duke.edu by Thursday, October 20, 2022. Class size is limited to 15 people. Sponsored by DuWell.
• Doris Duke Center at Sarah P. Duke Gardens
Take a break from studying and gather with classmates to tour Duke Gardens. Find your next nature escape within walking distance of the Law School! Space is limited. RSVP: https://duke.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_5tDhd3eSEqmQpue. Sponsored by the Office of Student Affairs. For more information, please contact Melonie Clarke at melonie.clarke@duke.edu
• Virtual
During this event, members and collaborators in LATIN-19 will share with the audience their work, experiences, lessons learned, successes and barriers while working together during the last two years.
Register here: https://duke.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bIRsXe48lZOu29g
• Virtual
Interested in learning new skills to help you manage your stress? Join a 4 session Koru Mindfulness course with other law students that will teach you the skill of mindfulness. Mindfulness develops self-awareness that informs all of your important life choices and helps maintain peace of mind - among other benefits! The course will help you build the habit of using mindfulness in your life on a regular basis, with just 10 minutes per day. We've found that folks get a lot more out of Koru if they stick with it from beginning to end, therefore we ask you to commit to attend all 4 sessions. The course will meet virtually on Zoom on Tuesdays after Spring Break (March 15, March 22, March 29, and April 5) from 4 pm - 5 pm and will be led by Corinne Crews (Career Center) and Kelli Raker (Academic Affairs). Sponsored by DuWell. For more information and to sign up to attend, please email Kelli Raker at kelli.raker@law.duke.edu by Friday, March 4, 2022. Class size is limited to 10 students.