PUBLISHED:August 02, 2024

CLRP Hosts Inaugural Volunteer Fellow


A promising local high school student with an interest in the law joined the Center for a summer of learning and research

D.K. meets with Prof. Geo Martinez

During the summer of 2023, the Duke Law Center on Law, Race & Policy (CLRP) hosted D.K., a local area rising high school junior, as its Inaugural Volunteer Fellow.

D.K. is an impressive student interested in being a lawyer one day. He has taken pre-college courses on race, crime, and law and wants to explore more options that give him insight into the practice of law. Particularly coming from a single-mother household, D.K. also wants to create opportunities for young Black men who are fatherless like himself. 

During the summer, D.K. conducted research, wrote on matters such as stand your ground laws and applicable implications to his generation, and conducted a survey of his peers to identify ways to mentor generational peers who also are interested in the law. This survey offered additional insight into mentoring his generation. 

Having D.K. as CLRP’s Inaugural Volunteer Fellow was a true pleasure. We look forward to seeing what D.K. will do next!




D.K., the Center's inaugural summer volunteer fellow, and Professor Geovanny Martinez outside the Law School
Professor Geovanny Martinez with D.K., the Center's inaugural volunteer fellow