Second Annual Workshop of German Law Journal
Duke Law hosts Second Annual Workshop of German Law Journal
On Friday, October 29 th, Duke Law School will host the second annual workshop of the German Law Journal, a monthly law review of developments in German, European and international jurisprudence. The conference will look at civil and criminal jurisdiction under the impact of globalization, and it will constantly take a comparative perspective, drawing on experience and interests from North America and from Europe. Speakers from Canada, several European countries, and the U.S., including Duke Law Professor Paul Carrington, will speak about "The Political Economy of Jurisdiction for Human Rights - A U.S.–European Dialogue". Professor Hannah Buxbaum from Indiana -Bloomington will give the keynote address on "Global Wrongs, Local Remedies—Jurisdiction in a Globalizing World".
The workshop is organized by Duke Law Professor Ralf Michaels, who is on the editorial board of the German Law Journal.
The conference will be held in room 3037. To register, contact Kelly Gallenstein. Registration closes Wednesday, October 27 th.
Program |
9:00-9:15 |
Welcome Dean Kate Bartlett, Durham, NC Russell Miller, Moscow, ID |
9:15-10:30 |
Protecting Human Rights in Courts – the US as Model?Paul Carrington, Durham, NCEnforcing Human Rights in an American Courthouse Morag Goodwin, Florence, Italy Using the US approach to promote the rights of the Roma in Europe? |
10:30-11:30 |
Keynote Speech: Jurisdiction in a Globalizing WorldHannah Buxbaum, Bloomington, INGlobal Wrongs, Local Remedies – Jurisdiction in a Globalizing World |
11:30-11:45 | Break |
11:45-1:00 |
Globalizing Criminal Law Jurisdiction? ICC and BeyondChair: Madeline Morris, Duke Alexandra Kemmerer, Würzburg, GermanyLike Ancient Beacons: The European Union and the International Criminal Court – Reflections on a Chapter of European Foreign Policy Christoph Safferling, Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany Comment: Can criminal prosecution be the answer to massive human rights violations? |
1:00-2:00 | Lunch Break |
2:00-3:15 |
Globalizing Civil Jurisdiction? Hague Convention and BeyondChair: Ralf Michaels, DukeSamuel Baumgartner, Akron, OH Human Rights and International Civil Litigation – What Can we Learn from the Hague Negotiations? Gralf-Peter Calliess, Frankfurt, Germany Comment: Value-added Norms, Local Litigation, and Global Enforcement: why the Brussels-Philosophy failed in The Hague |
3:15-3:30 | Break |
3:30-4:45 |
Beyond Jurisdiction, Towards Transitional JusticeChair: Cesare Romano, DukePeer Zumbansen, Toronto, ON Litigation, Recompensation, Remembrance: Corporations' Amnesia and Alternative Routes to Justice Russell Miller, Moscow, ID Comment |
4:45 -5:30 |
Final Discussion |