
Leadership Weekend 2003 Draws over 150 Back to Durham Oct. 10-11

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More than 150 of Duke Law School's alumni volunteer leaders convened at the School on the weekend of Oct. 10-11 for Leadership Weekend, which included meetings of the Board of Visitors, the Law Alumni Association Board and the Future Forum, as well as a dinner honoring the Law School Campaign Committee for its leadership throughout the Campaign.

The two-day event included updates on many aspects of Law School plans and operations, including a presentation by Dean Katharine T. Bartlett on the state of the School, a look at current efforts in Law School career services, student affairs and admissions, and discussion of architectural plans for renovations to the Law School building. Other events included discussions about the Law School's leadership and professionalism initiatives, and a joint session discussing cross-board collaboration.

The weekend also provided opportunities for alumni leaders, faculty and staff to mingle and renew friendships at a dinner at the Millennium Hotel, which included a student panel presentation and a performance by the Law School student a cappella group, Public Hearing, with a special guest performance by Dean Katharine Bartlett.