44th Annual DLJ Administrative Law Symposium: Taking Administrative Law to Tax

February 21, 2014 • 9:00 AM • Law School 3041

The foundations of settled law are shifting as courts begin to apply administrative law doctrines to the rather insular world of tax administration. These developments present an ideal opportunity to reflect on the general validity and utility of both general administrative law principles and statutory commands of the APA. Is tax administration somehow fundamentally different from administration in other areas? Does what happens in tax call into question any important assumptions or practices in general administrative law? Are there reforms that might usefully be made, either in general administrative law rules or in tax administration? These are the questions for reflection as the Symposium takes administrative law to tax. For more information, please contact Devon Damiano at devon.damiano@lawnet.duke.edu. Registration at http://dlj.law.duke.edu.