LLM Degree Requirements
Candidates for the LLM for graduates of foreign law schools are expected to enroll in a minimum of 24 credit hours in law. Students may take more than 24 credits and may take credits outside of the Law School at no additional charge. The LLM degree is normally completed in one academic year, which begins for all new students in mid-August.
Requirements for the LLM degree are as follows:
- Students are required to enroll in a minimum of 24 credit hours in law.
- Students are required to take Distinctive Aspects of U.S. Law.
- Students without extensive experience studying in English are required to take Legal Analysis, Research and Writing for International Students.
- Students are required to produce a substantial piece of academic writing, which is usually satisfied by taking a seminar course or pursuing an independent research project supervised by a faculty member.

Going to Duke Law was always in my dream. Even though there are some great schools in the US, the experiences of the previous alums made me want to experience it. Duke is unique in what they provide to its students; there is a lot of diversity and quality of the academic classes, and many alums end up in great opportunities after graduating. After finishing my academic year, I want to confirm that all that I thought was at Duke ended up being even better!