
LLM Ambassador Program

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What is the LLM Ambassador Program?

The goal of the LLM Ambassador Program is to welcome our new international students to the Duke Law Community by giving them the opportunity to meet and get to know returning JD, SJD, and LLM students, it’s a shorter commitment (only for the Fall semester). Each LLM Ambassador Program Fellow will be assigned a small group of 5-10 LLM students along with a budget for social events. Serving as an LLM Ambassador Program International Fellow is a wonderful way to meet new people from all over the world, make new friends, and explore Durham and Duke together. It is not a major time commitment. And it looks great on a resume!

Who are LLM Ambassador Program Fellows?

Each LLM Ambassador Program Fellow is asked to meet and get to know a small group of 5-10 LLM students. The first meeting will take place during the first week of classes. During the Fall semester we expect LLM Ambassador Program Fellow to serve as advisers to their groups on both academic and social aspects of life at Duke Law. Each LLM Ambassador Program Fellow will be responsible for meeting with their group at least three times during the semester. A budget will be made available to each Fellow for group interactions. Below is a list of group activities and ideas that a fellow can engage in with their group.

Why serve as an LLM Ambassador Program Fellow?

Firstly, it is fun! Secondly, LLM Ambassador Program Fellow will hone their leadership and cultural competency skills by interacting with attorneys from around the world and helping them adjust to life at Duke Law. Thirdly, they will increase their knowledge of other cultures and legal systems while building powerful professional networks for the future. And, lastly, they will strengthen their resumes by adding a global engagement component.

Is serving as LLM Ambassador a major time commitment?

No! We anticipate that most LLM Ambassadors will spend no more than 10-15 hours during the fall semester meeting their group members, organizing and attending events, and answering questions.

When does the LLM Ambassador Program start?

There will be a mandatory hour-long virtual orientation on Thursday, June 20, 2024.  

We will host a special lunch-time event with 2024-25 LLM Ambassadors and their groups on Friday, August 30, 2024. All fellows must therefore be physically present in Durham on that day. 

How do I apply to be a LLM Ambassador Program Fellow?

Please follow the link here to apply.  LM Ambassador Program Fellow applications for the 2024-25 academic year must be completed by Friday, April 19.