Annual Thank-a-Thon connects students with donors

After wrapping up their spring semester exams, twenty-six students came together to express their gratitude to alumni and friends who have donated to the Law School.
On May 8 and 9, the students made calls to 600 donors, including first-time donors, to thank them for their generous contributions to the Annual Fund, the Duke Legal Clinics, centers, scholarships, professorships, fellowships, lectures, and special programming.
“As always, we had a terrific, enthusiastic and grateful group of students,” said Janet Silber, Sr. Administrator for Donor Relations. “This was our ninth year sponsoring this wonderful event. Our donors really enjoy hearing the students’ voices, learning about their Law School experiences, and of course, their messages of gratitude and appreciation.”
This year’s Thank-a-thon participants were Patrick Bradley, Brent Caldwell, Ennis Coble, Miata Eggerly, John Hannon, Zachary Hennessee, Kim McKenzie, Luis Pinto, and Alex Voloshin, all from the Class of 2018; rising third-year students, Evan Cartagena, Gabe Espinal, Zack Ezor, Ali Farrell, Meredith George, Ashley Shan, Tanya Smith, Jennifer Thelusma, Elizabeth Tobierre, and Kamm Townsend; and rising second-year students, Amber Black, Izaak Earnhardt, Seth Euster, Nick Katz, Daniel Rozenblatt, Samantha Smith, and Andrew Toig.