PUBLISHED:September 15, 2008
Five Questions
1. Where did you grow up?
The Moonshine Capital of the World. Have you ever seen the verdant foothills of North Carolina? Well, that is where my seed sprouted. In the little town of Wilkesboro, known at one point in time as the Moonshine Capital of the World, the living is easy and rural scenes bucolic. Camping, fishing, high school sports, and working at a chicken processing plant defined my youth. It is a loooong way from Wilkesboro to Duke Law School and I don't just mean in distance.
2. What is your title and what does your job entail?
Registrar and Director of the Office of Student Records. I spend most of my days saying "No!" (note the exclamation point). Really, I spend my days advising students on academic questions, working with professors on course registration issues, assuring each student's record accurately reflects his/her course work, and assuring State Bar Associations that Duke Law students are upstanding citizens of this world.
The other members of the office, Suze Bear and Pam Varnadoe, do amazing work for the students and they are the reason I spend most of my days smiling at work.
3. When you are away from the Law School, how do you spend your time?
I spend a decent amount of time outside. Hello broken clavicle, I just got a new mountain bike. I like to run and on occasion, to quote Fergie, "I be up in the gym just workin' on my fitness."
I have a life reading list of the 100 greatest novels ever written that I am working through (By the way "Crime and Punishment," which I only recently read, is among my favorites). I also fancy myself a gentleman farmer - just a small plot of land and a bunch of weeding.
4. Where should you go in Durham?
I'm telling you, Durham has some of the coolest hangouts and restaurants in the country. Scoffers should try dinner at Watts Grocery, brunch at Piedmont, lunch at Rue Clare or Toast, and a late night snack at Chubby's Tacos on 9th Street. For a tipple before evensong, try Bull McCabes, City Beverage (bar and restaurant), or Dains Place (9th Street). For a touch of sonic pleasure swing by The Broad Street Cafe or The Marvell (Main Street).
5. Finish the following: If the statement, “You are what you eat” was true, I’d be a
Bald Eagle - it is the most succulent bird on the planet... wait, are they endangered? Sorry. I am going with spotted owl then. No, really, if I really were what I ate, I would spend a lot of time keeping moles away from my feet and the bunnies away from my sternum in my organic garden hole(y) home.
The Moonshine Capital of the World. Have you ever seen the verdant foothills of North Carolina? Well, that is where my seed sprouted. In the little town of Wilkesboro, known at one point in time as the Moonshine Capital of the World, the living is easy and rural scenes bucolic. Camping, fishing, high school sports, and working at a chicken processing plant defined my youth. It is a loooong way from Wilkesboro to Duke Law School and I don't just mean in distance.
2. What is your title and what does your job entail?
Registrar and Director of the Office of Student Records. I spend most of my days saying "No!" (note the exclamation point). Really, I spend my days advising students on academic questions, working with professors on course registration issues, assuring each student's record accurately reflects his/her course work, and assuring State Bar Associations that Duke Law students are upstanding citizens of this world.
The other members of the office, Suze Bear and Pam Varnadoe, do amazing work for the students and they are the reason I spend most of my days smiling at work.
3. When you are away from the Law School, how do you spend your time?
I spend a decent amount of time outside. Hello broken clavicle, I just got a new mountain bike. I like to run and on occasion, to quote Fergie, "I be up in the gym just workin' on my fitness."
I have a life reading list of the 100 greatest novels ever written that I am working through (By the way "Crime and Punishment," which I only recently read, is among my favorites). I also fancy myself a gentleman farmer - just a small plot of land and a bunch of weeding.
4. Where should you go in Durham?
I'm telling you, Durham has some of the coolest hangouts and restaurants in the country. Scoffers should try dinner at Watts Grocery, brunch at Piedmont, lunch at Rue Clare or Toast, and a late night snack at Chubby's Tacos on 9th Street. For a tipple before evensong, try Bull McCabes, City Beverage (bar and restaurant), or Dains Place (9th Street). For a touch of sonic pleasure swing by The Broad Street Cafe or The Marvell (Main Street).
5. Finish the following: If the statement, “You are what you eat” was true, I’d be a
Bald Eagle - it is the most succulent bird on the planet... wait, are they endangered? Sorry. I am going with spotted owl then. No, really, if I really were what I ate, I would spend a lot of time keeping moles away from my feet and the bunnies away from my sternum in my organic garden hole(y) home.