PUBLISHED:October 02, 2011

Giancarlo F. Frosio

Giancarolo Frosio

S. J.D. Candidate ‘12

Dissertation Project
"Users' Patronage: Cumulative Creativity, Collaboration, and Fan-Authorship." As part of my dissertation project, I have conducted in-depth analysis of the cumulative, communitarian and collaborative nature of creativity from a legal and historical standpoint, applying the findings of my research to the digital domain, user-generated content and digital creativity. The historical discussion of the open, collaborative and cumulative nature of creativity served as an evidentiary basis to challenge expansionistic and maximalist copyright approaches and emphasize the necessity to devise alternative solutions to the management of creativity in the digital era. As part of my dissertation research, I have also paid special attention to the tension between market and gift economy throughout history in order to discuss the re-emergence of open and gift-economy models promoting the production of creative and cultural artifacts in the digital environment.

Fields of Academic Interest
Intellectual Property, Copyright, Legal History, History of Creativity and Authorship, Public Domain, Digitization, Internet and User-Based Creativity, Network Information Economy, Access to Knowledge (A2K), and Identity Politics.

Doctoral Committee
Professor Jerome H. Reichman (Supervisor)
Professor James Boyle (Reader)
Professor David L. Lange (Reader)
Professor Ruth L. Okediji (Reader)
Professor Marco Ricolfi (Reader)

Academic Appointments and Fellowships
Assistant Director, Tutor, and Lecturer, WIPO-Turin University Master of Laws (LL.M.) in Intellectual Property, 2010-to date (3 years)
Fellow, NEXA Center for Internet and Society, Turin, 2010-to date (3 years)

Master of Laws (LL.M.), Duke University, Durham, NC, 2006
Master of Laws (LL.M.), Strathclyde University, Glasgow, 2003
Laurea in Giurisprudenza (JD), Università Cattolica di Milano, 2000

Giancarlo F. Frosio, Urban Guerrilla & Piracy Surveillance: Accidental Casualties in Fighting Piracy in P2P Networks in Europe, 37 Rutgers Comp. & Tech L. J. (forthcoming 2012)
Giancarlo F. Frosio, COMMUNIA Final Report on the Digital Public Domain (report prepared for the European Commission on behalf of the COMMUNIA Network and the NEXA Center) (2012)
Giancarlo F. Frosio, COMMUNIA and the European Public Domain Project: A Politics of the Public Domain, in Communia, the Digital Public Domain (Juan Carlos De Martin and Melanie Dulong de Rosnay eds., OpenBooks Publishers, 2011)
Giancarlo F. Frosio, Google Books Rejected: Taking the Orphans to the Digital Library of Alexandria, 28 Santa Clara Computer & High. Tech. L. J. 81 (2011)
Giancarlo F. Frosio, Google vs. Derechos de Autor, in MiPatente 2011;
Giancarlo F. Frosio, Case Note to Court of Milan, December 16, 2009, 19 Annali Italiani del Diritto d'Autore  (2010).
Giancarlo F. Frosio, Case Note to Court of Milan, November 10, 2009, 19 Annali Italiani del Diritto d'Autore  (2010).
Giancarlo F. Frosio, Case Note to Court of Milan, August, 26, 2008, 18 Annali Italiani del Diritto d'Autore 737 (2009).
Giancarlo F. Frosio et all, The Peppermint Case: Peer2Peer, Privacy and Copyright Enforcement, in World Data Protection Report 9 (August 2008).
Giancarlo F. Frosio, Diritti d'Autore in Rete, in I Contratti di Internet 349 – 388 (Paolo Cendon ed., UTET 2006).
Giancarlo F. Frosio, Il Dilemma della Tutela del Contenuto Digitale in Europa tra Sanzioni Penali e Soluzioni Alternative, 6 Rivista di Diritto, Economia e Gestione delle Nuove Tecnologie 943 (2005).
Giancarlo F. Frosio, Guida al Codice dell'Amministrazione Digitale (Edizioni Simone 2005).
Giancarlo F. Frosio, Cosa Resta della Privacy? – Diritto alla Riservatezza dell'Uomo Medio Dopo l'11 Settembre, 6 Cyberspace and Law 173 (2005).
Giancarlo F. Frosio, Peer2Peer e Tutela della Proprietà Intellettuale negli Interventi Normativi e Giurisprudenziali Internazionali, Jei – Jus e Internet,, 18 January 2005.
Giancarlo F. Frosio, Copyright, Internet e Misure Tecnologiche di Protezione – E' la Macchina la Risposta alla Macchina?, 5 Cyberspace and Law 357 (2004).