Legal Challenges to the CIA Torture Program: Addressing the Role of Psychologists in Detention & Interrogations

Tuesday, March 1
12:30 pm | Room 4045
Duke Law School
Please join Steven Watt, Senior Staff Attorney of the Human Rights Program at the American Civil Liberties Union for a lecture titled "Law and Legal Challenges in Addressing Psychologists in the CIA Torture Program." The lecture will focus on the recent ACLU lawsuit of Salim v. Mitchell filed against psychologists James Elmer Mitchell and John Jessen, whose role in designing and overseeing aspects of the post-September 11 detention and interrogation program was recently detailed in The Senate Intelligence Committee Report on Torture: Committee Study of the Central Intelligence Agency's Detention and Interrogation Program (2014). Co-sponsored by the International Human Rights Clinic, the Center for International & Comparative Law, Duke Human Rights Center at the Kenan Institute for Ethics, Duke Human Rights Center at the Franklin Humanities Institute, International Law Society and Human Rights Law Society. Lunch will be served.
For more information, or to RSVP, contact Ali Prince.