PUBLISHED:September 22, 2009
Pass the Bar for 3Ls
Here is a link to the powerpoint and presentation for this event given on September 17.
Pass the Bar for 3Ls
12:15 PM, Law School 4047
Bar examiners will discuss nuts and bolts of bar exams, as well as how to address the character & fitness portion of the application. Sponsored by the Career & Professional Development Center. For more information, contact Maggie Pishko at
Pass The Bar Powerpoint
Pass The Bar Presentation
Pass the Bar for 3Ls
12:15 PM, Law School 4047
Bar examiners will discuss nuts and bolts of bar exams, as well as how to address the character & fitness portion of the application. Sponsored by the Career & Professional Development Center. For more information, contact Maggie Pishko at
Pass The Bar Powerpoint
Pass The Bar Presentation