PUBLISHED:September 12, 2010

Recent and Forthcoming Environmental Law Scholarship (2008-present)

Ryke Longest

Articles and Essays

Massachusetts versus EPA: Parens Patriae Vindicated, 18 Duke Environmental Law & Policy Forum 277-286 (2008)

Jedediah Purdy

Articles and Essays

The Politics of Nature: Returning Democracy to Environmental Law, 119 Yale Law Journal 101-188 (2010)

What Has to Change for Forests to Be Saved? A Historical Example From the United States, 19 Duke Journal of Comparative & International Law 467-486 (2009)

Climate Change and the Limits of the Possible, 18 Duke Environmental Law & Policy Forum 289-306 (2008)

Corn Futures: Consumer Politics, Health, and Climate Change, 38 Environmental Law Reporter 10851 (2008) (with James Salzman)

Arti K. Rai


Intellectual Property and Alternatives: Strategies for Green Innovation (Chatham House Energy, Environment and Development Programme Paper No. 08/03) (with Richard Newell, Arti K. Rai, & Jonathan B. Wiener)

Jerome H. Reichman


Intellectual Property and Alternatives: Strategies for Green Innovation (Chatham House Energy, Environment and Development Programme Paper No. 08/03) (with Richard Newell, Arti K. Rai, & Jonathan B. Wiener)

Stephen E. Roady

Articles and Essays

The Silver Anniversary of the United States’ Exclusive Economic Zone: Twenty-Five Years of Ocean Use and Abuse, and the Possibility of a Blue Water Public Trust Doctrine, 36 Ecology Law Quarterly 1-70 (2009) (with Mary Turnipsee, Raphael Sagarin & Larry B. Crowder)

James Salzman


Gaming the Past: The Theory and Practice of Historic Baselines in the Administrative State, Vanderbilt Law Review(forthcoming) (with J.B. Ruhl)

Pursuing Geoengineering for Atmospheric Restoration, Issues in Science and Technology (forthcoming 2010) (with Robert Jackson)


Concepts and Insights in Environmental Law and Policy (Foundation Press 2003, 2d ed. 2007, 3d ed. 2010) (with Barton Thompson, Jr.)

International Environmental Law and Policy (Foundation Press, 1998, 2d ed. 2002, 3d ed. 2007, 4th ed. 2010) (with Durwood Zaelke & David Hunter)

A Policy Maker's Guide to Designing Payments for Ecosystem Services (Asian Development Bank, August 27, 2009)

The Practice and Policy of Environmental Law(Foundation Press, 2008) (with J.B. Ruhl & John Nagle).

Articles and Essays

Climate Change, Dead Zones, and Massive Problems in the Administrative State: Strategies for Whittling Away, 98 California Law Review 59-120 (2010) with J.B. Ruhl

Conclusion: "The Path to a Brighter Future", in Economic Growth and Environmental Regulation: The People's Republic of China's Path To a Brighter Future 341-357 (Tun Lin & Timothy Swanson eds., 2010) (with Tun Lin & Timothy Swanson)

Recurrent Issues in Environmental Governance, in Economic Growth and Environmental Regulation: The People's Republic of China's Path To a Brighter Future 318-340 (Tun Lin & Timothy Swanson eds., 2010)

Bank Failure, 2009, 26 Environmental Forum 22 (Jan/Feb 2009) (with J.B. Ruhl & Iris Goodman)

Ecosystem Services in Decision Making: Time to Deliver, 7 Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 21-28 (February 2009) (with Gretchen C. Daily et al.)

Implementing the New Ecosystem Services Mandate of the Section 404 Compensatory Mitigation Program - A Catalyst for Advancing Science and Policy, 38 Stetson Law Review 251-272 (2009) (with J.B. Ruhl & Iris Goodman)

Implementing the New Ecosystem Services Mandate: A Catalyst for Advancing Science and Policy, 31 National Wetlands Newsletter 11-13, 20 (March-April 2009) (with J.B. Ruhl & Iris Goodman)

Regulating Climate: What Role for the Clean Air Act?, 39 Environmental Law Reporter 10837-10841 (2009) (with Brigham Daniels, Hannah Polikov & Timothy Profeta)

The Importance of Curbing and Ending Population Growth to Achieve Sustainability, in Agenda for Sustainable America 171-185 (John Dernbach ed., ELI Press 2009) (with Anne H. Ehrlich)

Who’s Number One? The Most Significant Cases in Environmental Law, 26 Environmental Forum 36-40 (Nov/Dec 2009) (with J. B. Ruhl) revised as, New Kids on the Block – A Survey of Practitioner Views on Important Cases, 25 Natural Resources & Environment 45 (Summer 2010)

Corn Futures: Consumer Politics, Health, and Climate Change, 38 Environmental Law Reporter 10851 (2008) (with Jedediah Purdy)

Foreword: Making Sense of Information for Environmental Protection, 86 Texas Law Review 1347-1363 (2008) (with Douglas A. Kysar) Symposium: Harnessing the Power of Information for the Next Generation of Environmental Law

Is It Safe to Drink the Water?, 19 Duke Environmental Law & Policy Forum 1-42 (2008)

Christopher H. Schroeder


Public Choice and Environmental Policy: A Review of the Literature, in Handbook on Public Law and Public Choice (Dan Farber & Anne Joseph O'Connell eds., Elgar, forthcoming)


2007-2008 Environmental Law: Statutory and Case Supplement with Internet Guide (2007) (with Robert C. Percival)

Articles and Essays

The United States Failure to Act, in Economic Thought and the Failure of U.S. Climate Change Policy (David Driesen ed., MIT Press 2010) (with Robert Glicksman)

Beyond Cost-Benefit Analysis: A Pragmatic Reorientation, 32 Harvard Environmental Law Review 433-502 (2008) (with Sidney A. Shapiro)

California, Climate Change and the Constitution, 35 Environmental Law Reporter News & Analysis 10653 (Septemer 2007) (with others), reprinted in 25 Environmental Forum (Summer 2008)

Jonathan B. Wiener


Book Review, Journal of Policy Analysis & Management (forthcoming 2010) (reviewing, Charles Weiss & William B. Bonvillian, Structuring an Energy Technology Revolution (MIT Press, 2009))

The Reality of Precaution: Risk Regulation in the United States and Europe (ed., with James K. Hammitt, Michael D. Rogers, and Peter H. Sand) (RFF Press/Earthscan, forthcoming 2010).

“Comparing Regulatory Oversight Bodies across the Atlantic: US OIRA and the EU IAB” (with Alberto Alemanno), in Susan Rose-Ackerman & Peter Lindseth, eds., Comparative Administrative Law (Edward Elgar, forthcoming 2010).

“Mechanism Choice, in Daniel A. Farber & Anne Joseph O’Connell,” eds., Public Choice and Public Law (Edward Elgar, forthcoming 2010) (with Barak D. Richman), draft available at .


New Perspectives on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response, Proceedings of RACR-2009, the Second International Conference on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response (Beijing, 19-21 October 2009) (Atlantis Press, 2009) (editor, with Chongfu Huang & Jinren Ni)

Articles and Essays

Response to Daniel Abebe and Jonathan Masur on climate change and the “Two Chinas”, Opinio Juris Blog (Feb. 4, 2010)

“Risk Regulation and Governance Institutions,” in Risk and Regulatory Policy: Improving the Governance of Risk (Paris: OECD, April 2010)

Contributions, in Regards Croisés sur l’Internationalisation du Droit : France - Etats-Unis (a project of the “Réseau ID franco-américain” under the direction of Mireille Delmas-Marty & Stephen Breyer (Société de Législation Comparée, Collège de France, 2009)

Engaging China on Climate Change, 171 Resources (Resources For the Future Magazine) 29-33 (Winter/Spring 2009)

Property and Prices to Protect the Planet, 19 Duke Journal of Comparative & International Law 515-534 (2009)

Climate Change Policy, and Policy Change in China, 55 UCLA Law Review 1805-1826 (2008)

Intellectual Property and Alternatives: Strategies for Green Innovation (Chatham House, forthcoming) (with Jerome Reichman, Arti K. Rai & Richard G. Newell)

President’s Message, Risk Newsletter (Society For Risk Analysis) First Quarter 2-3 (January 2008), Second Quarter 2 (May 2008), Third Quarter 2 (August 2008), Fourth Quarter 2,8 (November 2008)

Radiative Forcing: Climate Policy to Break the Logjam in Environmental Law, 17 NYU Environmental Law Journal 210-255 (2008) draft available as Nicholas Institute Working Paper No. 08-04, (November 2008)