Scholarship Roundtable: "The Law and Politics of International Cooperation"
Friday and Saturday, Nov. 6-7, 2009
All day
Duke Law School
This interdisciplinary scholarship roundtable offers an intimate forum for a small group of legal scholars and political scientists to present their works in progress and to receive detailed commentary and feedback from their colleagues. The event centers around eight working papers that will be distributed in advance to participants.
Gabriella Blum (Harvard University)
Curt Bradley (Duke University)
David Fontana (George Washington University)
Darren Hawkins (Brigham Young University)
Larry Helfer (Duke University)
Leslie Johns (UCLA)
Andrew Lang (London School of Economics)
Graham Mayeda (University of Ottawa)
Andrew Mitchell (Melbourne University)
Yuval Shany (Hebrew University; visiting Columbia University, 2009-10)
Pierre-Hughes Verdier (University of Virginia)
Erik Voeten (Georgetown University)
Timothy Waters (Indiana University)
Annecoos Wiersema (Ohio State University)